What If America Withdrew From the World?

There are many articles online that seem to suggest that the United States is not very popular. In fact, if the online hoopla is to be believed, America is more than disliked; it is hated. So, what to do?

How about withdrawing from every aspect of global interaction? Find or develop our own energy resources and let the Middle East, Venezuela, and Russia bite the dust? Buy no more products made in China, Indonesia, Pakistan, or Bangladesh? Import no food from Mexico, or Guatemala or El Salvador? Send no tourists to Argentina, Tokyo, or Sidney? Allow no students in from India, Sri Lanka, or Ecuador? Close all computer help lines outside the continental U.S. Send no money or assistance to refugees in Rwanda, or Ghana, or Darfur. Adopt no so-called Third World kids? Close all military bases in Europe and Asia? Let the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and Hamas (maybe even Russia) run the Middle East? Abandon Israel?

Allow no more Muslims, Mexicans, Mongolians, or anyone else who differs from our Christianity, our clothing styles, our sexual mores into the country? (By the way, the U.S. has more Muslims than many Muslim countries.) Place military all along the Canadian and Mexican borders? Withdraw completely unto ourselves? What might happen?

Well, you know we won't do any of that, but think of the devastation it would cause for the world if the United States withdrew even a small percentage of its influence and money and buying power and charity. Let the Chinese and Indians fight it out for dominance (since that's what both of them want, anyway). Let Iran develop as many nuclear weapons as it can. Allow the Somalian pirates to completely ravage the Indian Ocean shipping channels. Send no corn, no wheat, no foodstuffs of any kind out to the starving millions. (Oh, and as bad as it is, McDonald's feeds more people than most governments.) Yeah. That's it. Let's either kick America out of our lives and off the planet, or make it bow to our wishes. Then things will be OK.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_Kent_Matthews

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