In this article:
o Why the Internet will at least DOUBLE in size in the next four years ...
o Why that's not necessarily a "good" thing for Web marketers ...
o 3 "Waking Nightmares" stalking Internet marketers now ...
o The one missing ingredient that can easily multiply the response to most Web promotions today ...
o A one-second IQ test for web marketers ...
o And much, MUCH MORE!
Dear Business Builder,
Internet gurus - especially the hypesters who want to sell you a book on "How to Make a Gazillion Bucks by Noon Tomorrow on The 'Net" -- will tell you that the Web is a god-send for anyone looking to get rich quick. They shout about how hundreds of millions of people browse the Web and read their email every day - and that thousands of them are just dying to buy a product just the one you're selling.
Well, there's no doubt that the World Wide Web is huge. According to the CIA World Factbook, 186 million Americans -- roughly 63% of the U.S. population - now have Web access. Throw in the rest of the English-speaking world -- and millions more around the globe who are fluent in our language - it's a pretty good bet that well over 300 million consumers and business people can read and respond to your English-language sales messages.
300 million prospects not enough for you? Ok ...
o If you translate your email blasts and websites into Spanish, you'll pick up about 100 million more prospects in the U.S., Mexico, Central America, South America and of course, in Spain ...
o Add French, German, Russian and Portuguese sales messages and you can talk to 124 million more future customers ...
o And if you can figure out a way to make your sales messages readable to Web nerds in China and India, you'll pick up another 136 million prospective customers ...
That's 660 million prospects in all -- and still, the Web is just getting warmed up ...
2 Billion Web Users by 2010
Altogether, about ONE BILLION people on the planet have Web access at this very moment: That's one out of every 6.5 human beings alive today.
In 2005, about 136 million new folks joined the Internet community for the first time. That's 258 new Web users every minute ... more than 15,000 per hour ... and more than 372,000 per day, 365 days a year.
At that rate, the Internet will DOUBLE AGAIN - to about 2 billion users -- in the next 4 years! And even that "2-billion-by-2010" number may prove to be a gross misunderestimation (yes, I do know that's not a real word).
The wildest wild cards? China and India: Nearly half of the world's population lives in those two countries - about 3 billion souls. And so far, only about 5% of those folks have found their way to the 'Net.
If you asked a roomful of 100 Chinese and Indian folks, "How many of you use the Internet?" - well, my guess is that almost nobody would understand a word you said - because they all speak Chinese and ... uh ... Indian or something. But even if you went the extra mile and asked them in their native tongues, only about 5 of them would stand and be counted.
Ask a roomful of 100 Americans the same question, and 63 of them would jump to their feet. The way I figure it, that's only slightly less than would jump up if you'd asked, "Who wants free beer?"
My point is, Internet use is 12 times greater per capita in the U.S. than in China and India. But that's changing - and FAST.
See, when it comes to economic growth, China and India are punking us - big time.
Here in the good old U.S. of A., our economy is expanding at the sedate, "civilized" rate of about 3.8% per year. But India's economy is growing nearly TWO TIMES FASTER ... and China's is exploding by double digits - nearly THREE TIMES FASTER. That means every day of the year, millions of Chinese and Indians are packing their napsacks ... leaving the farm for the big city ... getting jobs ... opening bank accounts ... becoming consumers ... and discovering the incomparable joys of something called "disposable income." And every day, millions of these new consumers are using a part of their newfound disposable income to join the Internet community.
The thing is, the combined population of China and India is more than TEN TIMES LARGER than ours is - so ...
o When per-capita internet use in China and India reaches just 25% of what it is in America, they'll have 472 MILLION users online - nearly half as many surfers as exist in the entire world today.
o When it hits 50%, they'll have 945 MILLION consumers online - almost equaling today's entire Internet community.
o And when they finally catch up with us - when 65% of the people in these countries finally join the World Wide Web -- there will be a staggering 1.8 BILLION of them on the 'Net.
That's nearly DOUBLE the number of internet users in the entire world today!
So when folks tell you that the number of consumers on the Web is huge and getting huger - and that any self-respecting business owner, marketing exec and direct response copywriter would be certifiably insane not to make the web-based marketing a big, BIG priority - they are NOT blowing smoke up your skirt. Especially since reaching those hundreds of millions of prospective clients on the Web is unbelievably cheap ...
Just like direct mail - but with no printing or postage costs!
Twenty years ago, if you had told me that one day, I'd be able to reach all the prospective customers I wanted to without paying a penny in printing, postage or letter shop fees ... and without paying through the nose for print space or TV and radio time ... I would have probably smiled and backed away from you v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y.
I would have instantly pegged you as a raving lunatic. But I would have been wrong. Thanks to the Internet, you actually can reach millions of prospects without spending a dime on any of those things - and that's huge ...
When I write a direct mail package, I know my client is going to have to cough up an average of $550 to mail it to every 1,000 prospects in his universe. That's $55,000 to send it to 100,000 potential customers ... and $550,000 to send it to 1 million prospective customers. On the web, you can post a website that millions will see for five hundred bucks - and then blast a million e-mails to drive folks to your site for next to nothing!
So yeah - the Internet is huge and cheap, just like the hypesters say it is.
And yes, marketing products and services on the 'Net can make you a bundle. I know lots of Internet marketers who make tens of millions - even a hundred million or more - every year on their web promotions.
But there is just a little bit more to it than that ...
What Internet Hypesters Don't Tell You
Wouldn't it be great if the guys trying to sell you ridiculously expensive books, courses and seminars on Internet Marketing were right? I mean - how great would it be if all you had to do was toss a site up on the 'Net, send out a bunch of e-mails for free or nearly free and then go goof off on the beach while the Web filled your bank account to overflowing for you?
Unfortunately it's not quite that easy. Before you can become the world's next Internet mogul, you'd better get used to dealing with the three waking nightmares that plague more and more internet marketers every day ...
Nightmare #1 -- Delivery Disasters:
Because direct mail, print, and TV and radio advertising cost serious money, marketers are extremely careful to send solicitations ONLY to people who have demonstrated that they are ready, willing and able to buy the product or service being promoted.
Not so on the web: The fact that e-mail marketing is cheap -- or, once you own your own blasting software and hardware, even free -- has filled our e-mail boxes with far more junk mail each day than the U.S. Postal Service ever delivered in a week.
As a result, all the major Internet Service Providers (ISPs) now screen your mail and block as much of the obvious spam as they can. And if you've bought a new computer or upgraded your software in the last few years, it's a good bet that your machine is blocking even more. Nevertheless, we all still get dozens of junk e-mails every day - and at the same time, these automated spam filters are often guilty of throwing out the mail we want along with the junk!
I, for example, sometimes have trouble getting an issue of THE TOTAL PACKAGE to people who have asked to receive it - even after my issue has passed our own spam-checking programs with flying colors. Heck. I've even had personal e-mails from good friends blocked or re-directed to my junk e-mail folder!
Needless to say, if you're marketing a product on the Web, this kind of wildly erratic delivery can KILL the response to your promotions.
Nightmare #2 - The Competitive Challenge:
Remember when Amazon was the ONLY major bookseller online? Google the word "books" now, and you'll get 1.28 BILLION hits!
Remember when eBay was the only major on-line auction? Google that word now, and you'll get 81.3 million hits!
Remember When Yahoo was the only major search engine? Type "search engine" into a search engine today and you'll get 354 million hits!
I remember when I could search for "Copywriting" and see only a handful of hits. These days, I get 3.68 million - and another 684 million for "marketing." Plus "weight loss" gets 70.3 million hits ... "hair loss" gives you 30.8 million hits ... "erection?" 8.73 million hits ... "real estate:" 325 million hits ... even "rutabaga" gets 426,000 hits!
Sure - you can spend a fortune on search engine optimization and Pay-Per-Click advertising on Google and the others - or maybe spend big bucks in other media to send people to your site. If you're very good and very lucky, your prospective customers might find you on, oh let's say ... the first five or ten pages that get served up.
The point is, the days when Internet marketing was cheap or even free are gone forever. The cost of getting your site noticed is rising - and will only get costlier as the number of websites on the 'Net continues to explode in the years ahead.
Nightmare #3 -- The Credibility Catastrophe:
To me, this is the biggie - the monster that, unless some computer geek somewhere has a flash of inspiration and SOON -- has the power to forever KILL the Internet as a marketing tool.
See, all direct mail, print, TV and radio advertising in this country is closely regulated by the Federal Trade Commission as well as other government agencies. When they catch someone lying cheating or stealing (or even "misleading"), the regulators can shut them down in a heartbeat.
Not so with the Internet. It doesn't give a flying fig what regulators or politicians say or do. If Washington proclaims something they're doing is illegal, they can just pull up stakes and move to another country where the laws are more lenient, or the officials more bribable, or both. And so, the Internet has become the sleaziest of all the channels available to marketers - with armies of scam artists filling your email box with fraudulent promotions and other swindles.
o Like the jerk whose emails look exactly like an official communication from an eBay member, asking you to "sign in" - provide your user name and password - to answer a question. Once you do, he has full access to your account, enabling him to re-route money due you to him!
o Or like the creeps that put out official-looking emails from Amazon.Com telling you that your credit card is no longer valid and asking you to "log in" and give them a new one. Fall for that one, and you can bet someone else will be living the high life on your money in no time flat!
o And like the hoards of swindlers who fill your inbox with unsolicited emails swearing that they can make your bank account, your hair and your male member grow while making your waistline shrink.
Listen to any of those swindlers, and you might as well flush your paychecks down the toilet along with the very, very expensive urine you'll be producing!
No wonder more and more consumers only believe only about half of what they see on websites -- and nothing that they read in their e-mail boxes! Needless to say, this NOT a good thing for honest marketers.
BOTTOM LINE: With spam filters and other problems depressing e-mail delivery rates ... with skyrocketing competition on the web lowering website traffic ... and with rising skepticism among consumers hammering readership rates, click-thru rates and conversion rates ...
... the cost of making internet sales is rising and many promotions - even ones that once brought big bucks to marketers - are flagging. In short ...
The Web is Growing UP; It's Time Web Marketers Did Too!
Frankly, most web marketers have been spoiled rotten. Sorry guys, but you know it's true! For more than a decade now, the fact that your medium was brand-new and your prospects were wide-eyed has allowed you to get rich without ever having to think much about the strength or weakness of your internet sales copy.
So, you've written the copy yourself - or cheaped out by hiring neophytes to write for you. And the fact is, the copy in 99% of the e-mails you blast and 99% of the websites you build is so weak, it would have long ago sent any direct response mail, TV or radio marketer into bankruptcy.
Now, with the Internet maturing and becoming more competitive ... with the costs associated with driving prospects to websites rising ... and with the average 'Net consumer growing older, wiser and more skeptical - amateur night is over. Suddenly, many web marketers are beginning to find themselves in the same boat as their peers who use other advertising media - desperately searching for ways to boost response.
This simple fact of life presents a truly dazzling opportunity for every business owner, marketing exec and copywriter reading this!
The other day, I was studying a series of landing pages hosted by one of the nation's most successful Internet marketing companies. Now this company has it all. It has hundreds of wonderful employees who are expert in all the nuts and bolts of Web marketing. One word from the Prez, and the company's web division can conceive a new website before 10:00 AM ... have it written by lunch ... and have it designed, programmed and making sales by quitting time.
In short, the owners have built a Ferrari of a company -- with all the high tech talent and infrastructure they need to dominate their industry ... But instead of paying for high-octane fuel - powerfully compelling sales copy created by proven professionals -- they're pouring cheap kerosene into the gas tank! Fact is, if they ever try sending their internet sales copy out via snail mail, they'll be lucky to recoup 10% of the money they spend on postage!
Nevertheless, on the low-cost Web, the company's lousy copy generates nearly $100 million a year in sales - and they're laughing all the way to the bank.
The fact that they're getting rich doesn't mean that they're smart. To the contrary: It's proof positive that ignorance truly is bliss. Because if their copy didn't suck, they'd be making $1 billion a year in internet sales instead of a lousy $100 million. And since everything else is already in place, that 1,000% increase in sales could happen in the twinkling of an eye.
Unfortunately though, the company's copy will probably continue to suck - and the owners will continue leaving 90% of their sales on the table - because they just can't quite bring themselves pay a top copywriter a commission on the increased sales he or she could produce for them.
And so in hopes of helping any reluctant web marketers reading this to see the error of your ways, allow me to offer this simple, one-second IQ test ...
What would YOU Rather Have? 100% of $100 Million? ... Or 90% of $1 BILLION?
If you said, "100% of $100 million," you may as well stop reading this now, go get your resume in order and prepare to go to work for one of your competitors. Because your company is about to get its head handed to it.
But if you instantly recognized that paying a top copywriter 10% of sales and settling for 90% of the $1 billion stronger copy could bring you might be a smart move ... because it WOULD MAKE YOU NINE TIMES RICHER, then do this:
1. Go to the head of the class, and ...
2. Call one. NOW!
And if you're a copywriter looking for a way to make big bucks fast, do this ...
Spend a day surfing the web. Find a site that's obviously making money, but the copy is stinking up the room. Call 'em up and tell them you'll multiply their sales in 90 days or less - and all you want is 10% of what you produce for them or better yet, 20% of the increase in net revenues you generate.
Article Source:
Marketing in Transition
Marketing is the management process that identifies, anticipates and satisfies customer requirements profitably. In pre-modern economies, the predominance of small enterprise and there was monopoly and there was no recognition of marketing as a separate field of expertise. Marketing emerged as a separate technical field only in the late 19th century.
In the present scenario, the changing needs and wants or taste and preferences among the customers leads to paradigm shift in marketing. This is due to changing attitude and behaviour of the customers, globalization, increasing purchasing power and changing life style of the customers.
Causes for Marketing in Transition
• Globalization - Globalization has brought changes in technology, quality, service, work culture and undoubtedly fierce competition.
• Emerging Middle-Class Consumers - the increasing Purchasing Power of the Middle-Class consumers creates the MNC's to seek opportunity in the emerging market.
• Changing Lifestyle and attitude of Consumers - since there is a change in the customers lifestyle due to western influence the customer's needs and expectations has increased.
• Increasing literacy rate
• Children influence in buying decision making
• Changing perspective of rural marketing in India
• Increasing penetration of mass media
• Consumer awareness
• Information revolution
• An Enormous growth in international business
Formation of marketing concepts and practices
• 1905 - the University of Pennsylvania offered a course in "The Marketing of Products"
• 1908 - Harvard Business School opens
• 1940s - electronic computers developed
• 1980s - emergence of relationship marketing
• 1984 - introduction of guerilla marketing
• 1995-2001 - the Dot-com bubble temporarily re-defines the future of marketing
• 1996 - identification of viral marketing
Emerging New Marketing Practices
Due to increased competition the companies had necessity to enhance additional features to their products to promote the sale of their products. Many companies followed different marketing practices to attract their customers.
Winning concepts and marketing practices are
• Relationship marketing
• Co-branding
• Viral Marketing
• Sachet Marketing
• Green marketing
• Rural marketing
• Destination marketing
• Online marketing
• Cause related marketing
A transition from a product oriented approach to a resource oriented approach
Transaction marketing Relationship marketing
Focus on Obtaining new customers Customer retention
Orientation to Service features Customer benefits
Timescale shorts long
Customer service Little emphasis High emphasis
Customer commitment Limited High
Customer contact Limited High
Primarily an operations concern
The concern to all
Nowadays many companies are practicing the new marketing concepts and practices. Some of the examples are as follows.
Relationship marketing:
The domain of relationship marketing extends into many areas of marketing and strategic decision making. In the phenomenon of cooperation and collaboration with customers becomes the dominant paradigm of marketing practices. Relationship marketing has the potential to emerge as the predominance perspective in the paradigm of marketing.
In the fierce competitive market customer relationship management is emerging as the core marketing activity in companies. For that to maintain companies practices customer retention strategies and having good relation with the customers.
HSBC bank sent greeting cards to the customers on their birthdays to have good relationship
Whirlpool do very good post sale service to the customers.
Sachet Marketing
In India, Unilever successfully markets Sunsil and Lux shampoo sachets sold in units of 2-4 dollar cents; Clinic All Clear anti-dandruff shampoo sachets at 2.5 rupees each; and 16 cent Rexona deodorant sticks.
Idhayam gingili oil available for Rs 4/- package.
To capture the BOTTOM OF PYRAMID also
Green Marketing
It refers to the process of selling products and/or services based on their environmental benefits. Such a product or service may be environmentally friendly in itself or produced and/or packaged in an environmentally friendly way.
Green marketing can be a very powerful marketing strategy though when it's done right. Nowadays all companies are trying to produce eco-friendly products. And many companies have got ISO 14001 awards and strive to get.
Examples are ITC products, in the note books, it is environment friendly notebook.
Changing Perspective Of Rural Marketing In India
The great Indian rural market is characterized by huge untapped potential and opportunities. It is estimated that almost 70% of Indian consumers live in rural areas, which generate almost half of the national income. The number of middle income households in rural India is growing to above 111 million by 2007. There are almost twice as many lower middle income households in rural areas as in the urban areas.
A large number of corporate are excited about tapping the potential of rural areas. The recent entry of some corporate like Bharti, ITC, DCM shriram consolidated, EID parry and Amul etc. proved their fascination towards this sector. These corporates tried to develop successful model of integrating information-technology in rural transformation in a profitable way.
The tamilnadu based EID parry has developed an agro-portal [] to cater the specific needs of the rural farming community. It is an endeavor to catalyze e-commerce in agricultural and non-farms products by offering a network of partnerships. The content is available in local tamil language.
The Anand, Gurajat based Amuls DISK dairy information system KIOSK project is yet another milestone of integrating corporate sector and information technology. These kiosk serve valuable information related to dairying, breeding and rearing cattle .
ITC e-choupal has emerged as one of the most ambitious project integrating information technology and corporate sector for rural transformation. ITC e-choupal network has already covered approximately 3.1 million farmers through 5050 choupal in 29,500 villages. The company has ambitious plan to reach 1,00,000 villages covering 10 million farmers by 2010 with whopping approximately 1,000 crore. It is opening 5-6 e-choupals everyday in six different states of India.
Pepsi rural marketing
Pepsi company India has entered into rural market by having joint programme with the Punjab agriculture university in ludiana and Punjab agro industries corporation in chandigarh. The programme focuses on evolving agricultural practices to help Punjab farmers produce crops that would make Indian products internationally competitive. To cultivate a range of sweet oranges for its Tropicana range.
Apart from that, they have given advertisement to attract the rural people with the celebrity of Amitabh bachchan and star cricketer sachin tendulkar.
Coca-cola rural marketing
With the help of Isha foundation coca-cola released the CD of the coca-cola tamil CSR film "NESA KARANGAL" and also acknowledged and appreciated coca-cola's efforts in promoting social cohesiveness and sportsmanship with an aim to transform rural lives,
Advertisements to attract the rural customers are maasa-actress Rani Mukherji acted in this advertisement and says "masti ka chataka" , Satis shah's maaza ad is also based on village background.
Aamir khan acted in the advertisement which showcases a beautiful village background with the punch line "thanda ka matlab cocacola" and also ad title "soni kudi" targeted the villagers.
Destination marketing:
Destination marketing is all about selling the experience. To sell the experience is far more difficult. In destination marketing media plays a major role . word of mouth plays a vital role in destination marketing . people love to discuss their tour, infact they feel proud in telling their experiences, they bring gifts for their close ones they show their photographs and purchases to their relatives and neighbours
Eg . kerala has implemented the destination marketing very successfully and emerged as the most acclaimed tourist destination of the country in the recent past. Because of this destination marketing kerala has achieved remarkable success in generating revenue and employment in state through tourism. It is estimated nearly $100 million which generate the employment opportunity in kerala.
In the recent past all the successful stories of destination marketing that is Malaysia, Goa, Kerala, Singapore etc.
Emergence of theme parks such as ADHISAYAM, MGM , BLACK THUNDER,- all are examples of destination marketing.
Transition from kirana stores to modern organized retail outlets:
Modern retailing in India is growing rapidly. Although it commands just 3% of the overall retail market share, changing demographics and consumer taste are driving the growth of more than 30% of the modern retail formats. It is expected to grow another 9% in the year of 2010. India is more attractive than ever to global retailers.
Major players in India are:
Pantaloon retail India limited or future group, RPG group, Tata group, k.Raheja corp. group of companies, RRL (Reliance retail limited), A.B.Birla group, Gati, Calvin klein,murjani group, Disney artist stores, Vishal group (vishal megamart)
Foreign players in India are
Wal-mart stores, Carrefour, Tesco, Rosy blue group, LVMH Group, Metro
This transition makes the marketing in transition
Transition in Segmentation:
Transition from demographic based segmentation to psychographic based segmentation . since 1950's market segmentation has been referred to as a process of identifying groups of individuals who are similar in attitudes etc. and the segmentation is of demographic segmentation . after 1970s it is psychographic segmentation , know about the customer taste and preferences and collect at the real time point of purchase data. And now it is need based segmentation is using for different marketing functions like advertising and new product development .
Cause related marketing
Cause related marketing is practiced on the rationale that consumers are human beings are kind hearted. The customer pay the amount with some satisfaction that the specific amount is to for relevant social cause.
A sanitary napkin brand "whisper" announced a contribution o Re.1 on every pack of sales for blind relief society. This helps in improving whisper's market share.
HLL announced a contribution of Rs 0.50 on the sale of each of its brand of lifebuoy brand soap to a diarrhea project.
Co-branding is when two companies form an alliance to work together, creating marketing synergy. This co-branding is innovative in the marketing practices.
• Andhra bank and ICFAI university are using the strategy of co-branding.
• Andhra bank and Hindustan petroleum also launched their co-branded card
• SBI card and LG electronics India launched the LG-SBI card. This is the country's first co-branded credit card for the consumer appliances industry and can be used at more than 2 lakh outlets in India.
• Idea cellular and HDFC Bank launched two co-branded cards providing multiple benefits to customers of both.
• Pillsbury Brownies with Nestle Chocolate
• Dell Computers with Intel Processors
Online marketing
Internet marketing, also referred to as online marketing, Internet advertising, or eMarketing, is the marketing of products or services over the Internet. Internet marketing also includes management of digital customer data and electronic customer relationship management (E-CRM) systems.
Samsung marketing practices
Viral marketing , interactive marketing
Samsung created its "Fun Club" as a way to engage with Samsung mobile phone owners to help them get the most from their phones. Samsung provides content such as games, ringers, and wallpapers that are designed specifically for Samsung mobile phone models. Hearing about new mobile content is one of the benefits of joining the "Fun Club." Samsung was looking for a new way to use rich multimedia to promote the game, Skipping Stone, to its customers. Samsung engaged Enpocket to create a mobile marketing campaign promoting Skipping Stone using the graphically rich MMS channel.
In the present competitive scenario, there should be transition in marketing practices in order to survive in the market. Since "change in the only thing which never change" in the world, companies have to adapt themselves according to the changing environment. The best emerging practices in the corporate world is win-win concept to be the leader in the market.
Article Source:
Marketing is the management process that identifies, anticipates and satisfies customer requirements profitably. In pre-modern economies, the predominance of small enterprise and there was monopoly and there was no recognition of marketing as a separate field of expertise. Marketing emerged as a separate technical field only in the late 19th century.
In the present scenario, the changing needs and wants or taste and preferences among the customers leads to paradigm shift in marketing. This is due to changing attitude and behaviour of the customers, globalization, increasing purchasing power and changing life style of the customers.
Causes for Marketing in Transition
• Globalization - Globalization has brought changes in technology, quality, service, work culture and undoubtedly fierce competition.
• Emerging Middle-Class Consumers - the increasing Purchasing Power of the Middle-Class consumers creates the MNC's to seek opportunity in the emerging market.
• Changing Lifestyle and attitude of Consumers - since there is a change in the customers lifestyle due to western influence the customer's needs and expectations has increased.
• Increasing literacy rate
• Children influence in buying decision making
• Changing perspective of rural marketing in India
• Increasing penetration of mass media
• Consumer awareness
• Information revolution
• An Enormous growth in international business
Formation of marketing concepts and practices
• 1905 - the University of Pennsylvania offered a course in "The Marketing of Products"
• 1908 - Harvard Business School opens
• 1940s - electronic computers developed
• 1980s - emergence of relationship marketing
• 1984 - introduction of guerilla marketing
• 1995-2001 - the Dot-com bubble temporarily re-defines the future of marketing
• 1996 - identification of viral marketing
Emerging New Marketing Practices
Due to increased competition the companies had necessity to enhance additional features to their products to promote the sale of their products. Many companies followed different marketing practices to attract their customers.
Winning concepts and marketing practices are
• Relationship marketing
• Co-branding
• Viral Marketing
• Sachet Marketing
• Green marketing
• Rural marketing
• Destination marketing
• Online marketing
• Cause related marketing
A transition from a product oriented approach to a resource oriented approach
Transaction marketing Relationship marketing
Focus on Obtaining new customers Customer retention
Orientation to Service features Customer benefits
Timescale shorts long
Customer service Little emphasis High emphasis
Customer commitment Limited High
Customer contact Limited High
Primarily an operations concern
The concern to all
Nowadays many companies are practicing the new marketing concepts and practices. Some of the examples are as follows.
Relationship marketing:
The domain of relationship marketing extends into many areas of marketing and strategic decision making. In the phenomenon of cooperation and collaboration with customers becomes the dominant paradigm of marketing practices. Relationship marketing has the potential to emerge as the predominance perspective in the paradigm of marketing.
In the fierce competitive market customer relationship management is emerging as the core marketing activity in companies. For that to maintain companies practices customer retention strategies and having good relation with the customers.
HSBC bank sent greeting cards to the customers on their birthdays to have good relationship
Whirlpool do very good post sale service to the customers.
Sachet Marketing
In India, Unilever successfully markets Sunsil and Lux shampoo sachets sold in units of 2-4 dollar cents; Clinic All Clear anti-dandruff shampoo sachets at 2.5 rupees each; and 16 cent Rexona deodorant sticks.
Idhayam gingili oil available for Rs 4/- package.
To capture the BOTTOM OF PYRAMID also
Green Marketing
It refers to the process of selling products and/or services based on their environmental benefits. Such a product or service may be environmentally friendly in itself or produced and/or packaged in an environmentally friendly way.
Green marketing can be a very powerful marketing strategy though when it's done right. Nowadays all companies are trying to produce eco-friendly products. And many companies have got ISO 14001 awards and strive to get.
Examples are ITC products, in the note books, it is environment friendly notebook.
Changing Perspective Of Rural Marketing In India
The great Indian rural market is characterized by huge untapped potential and opportunities. It is estimated that almost 70% of Indian consumers live in rural areas, which generate almost half of the national income. The number of middle income households in rural India is growing to above 111 million by 2007. There are almost twice as many lower middle income households in rural areas as in the urban areas.
A large number of corporate are excited about tapping the potential of rural areas. The recent entry of some corporate like Bharti, ITC, DCM shriram consolidated, EID parry and Amul etc. proved their fascination towards this sector. These corporates tried to develop successful model of integrating information-technology in rural transformation in a profitable way.
The tamilnadu based EID parry has developed an agro-portal [] to cater the specific needs of the rural farming community. It is an endeavor to catalyze e-commerce in agricultural and non-farms products by offering a network of partnerships. The content is available in local tamil language.
The Anand, Gurajat based Amuls DISK dairy information system KIOSK project is yet another milestone of integrating corporate sector and information technology. These kiosk serve valuable information related to dairying, breeding and rearing cattle .
ITC e-choupal has emerged as one of the most ambitious project integrating information technology and corporate sector for rural transformation. ITC e-choupal network has already covered approximately 3.1 million farmers through 5050 choupal in 29,500 villages. The company has ambitious plan to reach 1,00,000 villages covering 10 million farmers by 2010 with whopping approximately 1,000 crore. It is opening 5-6 e-choupals everyday in six different states of India.
Pepsi rural marketing
Pepsi company India has entered into rural market by having joint programme with the Punjab agriculture university in ludiana and Punjab agro industries corporation in chandigarh. The programme focuses on evolving agricultural practices to help Punjab farmers produce crops that would make Indian products internationally competitive. To cultivate a range of sweet oranges for its Tropicana range.
Apart from that, they have given advertisement to attract the rural people with the celebrity of Amitabh bachchan and star cricketer sachin tendulkar.
Coca-cola rural marketing
With the help of Isha foundation coca-cola released the CD of the coca-cola tamil CSR film "NESA KARANGAL" and also acknowledged and appreciated coca-cola's efforts in promoting social cohesiveness and sportsmanship with an aim to transform rural lives,
Advertisements to attract the rural customers are maasa-actress Rani Mukherji acted in this advertisement and says "masti ka chataka" , Satis shah's maaza ad is also based on village background.
Aamir khan acted in the advertisement which showcases a beautiful village background with the punch line "thanda ka matlab cocacola" and also ad title "soni kudi" targeted the villagers.
Destination marketing:
Destination marketing is all about selling the experience. To sell the experience is far more difficult. In destination marketing media plays a major role . word of mouth plays a vital role in destination marketing . people love to discuss their tour, infact they feel proud in telling their experiences, they bring gifts for their close ones they show their photographs and purchases to their relatives and neighbours
Eg . kerala has implemented the destination marketing very successfully and emerged as the most acclaimed tourist destination of the country in the recent past. Because of this destination marketing kerala has achieved remarkable success in generating revenue and employment in state through tourism. It is estimated nearly $100 million which generate the employment opportunity in kerala.
In the recent past all the successful stories of destination marketing that is Malaysia, Goa, Kerala, Singapore etc.
Emergence of theme parks such as ADHISAYAM, MGM , BLACK THUNDER,- all are examples of destination marketing.
Transition from kirana stores to modern organized retail outlets:
Modern retailing in India is growing rapidly. Although it commands just 3% of the overall retail market share, changing demographics and consumer taste are driving the growth of more than 30% of the modern retail formats. It is expected to grow another 9% in the year of 2010. India is more attractive than ever to global retailers.
Major players in India are:
Pantaloon retail India limited or future group, RPG group, Tata group, k.Raheja corp. group of companies, RRL (Reliance retail limited), A.B.Birla group, Gati, Calvin klein,murjani group, Disney artist stores, Vishal group (vishal megamart)
Foreign players in India are
Wal-mart stores, Carrefour, Tesco, Rosy blue group, LVMH Group, Metro
This transition makes the marketing in transition
Transition in Segmentation:
Transition from demographic based segmentation to psychographic based segmentation . since 1950's market segmentation has been referred to as a process of identifying groups of individuals who are similar in attitudes etc. and the segmentation is of demographic segmentation . after 1970s it is psychographic segmentation , know about the customer taste and preferences and collect at the real time point of purchase data. And now it is need based segmentation is using for different marketing functions like advertising and new product development .
Cause related marketing
Cause related marketing is practiced on the rationale that consumers are human beings are kind hearted. The customer pay the amount with some satisfaction that the specific amount is to for relevant social cause.
A sanitary napkin brand "whisper" announced a contribution o Re.1 on every pack of sales for blind relief society. This helps in improving whisper's market share.
HLL announced a contribution of Rs 0.50 on the sale of each of its brand of lifebuoy brand soap to a diarrhea project.
Co-branding is when two companies form an alliance to work together, creating marketing synergy. This co-branding is innovative in the marketing practices.
• Andhra bank and ICFAI university are using the strategy of co-branding.
• Andhra bank and Hindustan petroleum also launched their co-branded card
• SBI card and LG electronics India launched the LG-SBI card. This is the country's first co-branded credit card for the consumer appliances industry and can be used at more than 2 lakh outlets in India.
• Idea cellular and HDFC Bank launched two co-branded cards providing multiple benefits to customers of both.
• Pillsbury Brownies with Nestle Chocolate
• Dell Computers with Intel Processors
Online marketing
Internet marketing, also referred to as online marketing, Internet advertising, or eMarketing, is the marketing of products or services over the Internet. Internet marketing also includes management of digital customer data and electronic customer relationship management (E-CRM) systems.
Samsung marketing practices
Viral marketing , interactive marketing
Samsung created its "Fun Club" as a way to engage with Samsung mobile phone owners to help them get the most from their phones. Samsung provides content such as games, ringers, and wallpapers that are designed specifically for Samsung mobile phone models. Hearing about new mobile content is one of the benefits of joining the "Fun Club." Samsung was looking for a new way to use rich multimedia to promote the game, Skipping Stone, to its customers. Samsung engaged Enpocket to create a mobile marketing campaign promoting Skipping Stone using the graphically rich MMS channel.
In the present competitive scenario, there should be transition in marketing practices in order to survive in the market. Since "change in the only thing which never change" in the world, companies have to adapt themselves according to the changing environment. The best emerging practices in the corporate world is win-win concept to be the leader in the market.
Article Source:
The Age of Zero Commission and Zero Guarantees
The "Zero Commission" ruckus has been ratcheted up another step, by the travel agents. As per various recent news reports, "in a move aimed at forcing airlines to revoke their decision to withdraw the five per cent commission, previously built-in to the ticket prices, and paid to the travel agents, over 2,500 travel companies, including IATA travel agents and online travel agencies (OTAs) like Makemytrip, Cleartrip, Yatra and Ezeego, have decided to stop selling Jet Airways and Jetlite tickets from December 4."
The Jet decision was taken at a meeting of the six associations - Travel Agents Federation of India (TAFI), Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI), IATA Agents Association of India (IAAI), Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO), Association of Domestic Tour Operators in India (ADTOI) and Enterprising Travel Association of India (ETAA) - which cumulatively account for nearly all of the 2,800 IATA agencies, apart from numerous OTAs.
A previous decision by the agents to boycott Kingfisher Airlines and Kingfisher Red, was withdrawn at the last minute.
The three Indian full service airlines and several international carriers stopped paying 5 per cent commission on the ticket prices to travel agents from November 1. The agencies have had around 10 meetings with airlines to make them withdraw their decision but that has not worked. The airlines, in turn, have asked the agents to levy a transaction fee of Rs 350-10,000 per ticket in lieu of the commission.
Like it or not, we are living in an age of "zero guarantees".
Customers are increasingly demanding better value for their money spent. In these hard economic times, my customers are demanding that I cut costs, improve service, and be available to them when they need me. In return I am guaranteed nothing. Just an opportunity to do business, not even the business itself, just the opportunity.
Any entity in business, survives only due to the value they add in the supply chain. The day someone or something else can improve the value chain, existing links will be re-aligned. It applies equally to professional relationships as it does to products. An employer looses employees the moment the value chain is superseded by another, and vice-versa. I may be as bold to say, that this is extending to personal relationships as well, but that is another topic of debate.
As you recall from the news reports, The three Indian full service airlines, and several international carriers stopped paying 5 per cent commission on the ticket prices to travel agents from November 1. If anything, I am incensed at the airlines, for not lowering their fares by the 5% commission they used to pay the travel agents. In effect, a fare increase has been hoisted on us.
I also invite your attention to the fact that the boycott is only of the two private full-service carriers, Jet and Kingfisher. Air India is the "mai-baap" (God) of travel agents, and they will not risk their existence, by antagonising them. The travel agents have also brought on board various politicians to bring pressure for restoration of the 5% commission.
These actions of the travel agents are based on one flawed fundamental premise -- that have the god given right to be protected from the changing business environment.
Over the years, technology has caught up with the agents. Today, customers, are perusing the internet, making phone calls, and obtaining the best value for my money, just as we do for any other product or service. During this time, many travel agents became air-ticket churning machines, falling in to complacency and sloth, showing an amazing lack of business foresight that borders on outright incompetence.
Most did not bother to live up to their name TRAVEL agents. Air passengers constitute less than 1% of the total passengers who TRAVEL everyday -- in trains, buses, hotels, taxis, and yes, even planes.
During my days of super-hectic globe-trotting, I used to call my favourite airline, Singapore Airlines, directly. Choose the routing, make the booking, seating, meals, etc., myself. When all was done, my travel agent would be called in to just issue my ticket. I used to take back all, but 0.5% of the commission, my travel agent earned, as a discount, since I did all the work. In short my travel agent did not EARN the commission they were getting.
Corporate customers, are no different. In return for their large business volumes, they take discounts in the form of lines of credit, free airline tickets, and other such incentives.
In effect, travel agents were already operating in a "zero commission" regime. The recent actions of the airlines have only formalised the reality.
Despite my suggestions to the contrary, my travel agent never bothered to diversify in to other travel related services. As a passenger, I need to get visas, health and travel insurance, car transportation, hotel accommodation, foreign exchange, holidays, tours, and a whole host of other allied services. Services for which I would gladly pay for. Even today, customers will gladly pay the travel agent for services rendered, but it is incumbent on the agent to add value. Travel agents have to EARN their income, and justify their existence. As with any other business, their survival is not guaranteed.
As customers, the same travel agent will joyfully squeeze the last drop of blood, from his supplier of copier or printer paper, tea/coffee, or other office needs. Do they guarantee the business and survival of their vendor ?
My local bookstore is not insulated from competition by Amazon or Barnes and Noble online, and should Penguin, MacMillan, or any of the other publishers start selling their books online, no one has guaranteed the survival of Amazon, Premier bookstore, Gangarams, or any other sales channel. Similarly, my newspaper vendor is not guaranteed his livelihood by the numerous newspapers who now publish e-papers for all to read on the internet.
I know that the age of zero commission will hurt many travel agencies, and many of them will perish, but I remind them, the horse buggy perished in the face of the car, and we have a stronger transport system, the ocean liners perished in the face of the inter-continental airplanes, and they adapted in to holiday cruises and opened up a whole new industry.
These travel agents are smart people, and there are opportunities galore, both within and outside the air and travel sector. It does not take keen eyesight to see the daylight, nor does it take keen listening to hear the thunder, imagination and innovation coupled with swift thinking and even swifter action will differentiate the winners.
I do not know if I would call everything happening today, progress, but it is reality. As much as I do not like saying it, the faster the travel agents face the situation, the better off they will be.
Article Source:
The Jet decision was taken at a meeting of the six associations - Travel Agents Federation of India (TAFI), Travel Agents Association of India (TAAI), IATA Agents Association of India (IAAI), Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO), Association of Domestic Tour Operators in India (ADTOI) and Enterprising Travel Association of India (ETAA) - which cumulatively account for nearly all of the 2,800 IATA agencies, apart from numerous OTAs.
A previous decision by the agents to boycott Kingfisher Airlines and Kingfisher Red, was withdrawn at the last minute.
The three Indian full service airlines and several international carriers stopped paying 5 per cent commission on the ticket prices to travel agents from November 1. The agencies have had around 10 meetings with airlines to make them withdraw their decision but that has not worked. The airlines, in turn, have asked the agents to levy a transaction fee of Rs 350-10,000 per ticket in lieu of the commission.
Like it or not, we are living in an age of "zero guarantees".
Customers are increasingly demanding better value for their money spent. In these hard economic times, my customers are demanding that I cut costs, improve service, and be available to them when they need me. In return I am guaranteed nothing. Just an opportunity to do business, not even the business itself, just the opportunity.
Any entity in business, survives only due to the value they add in the supply chain. The day someone or something else can improve the value chain, existing links will be re-aligned. It applies equally to professional relationships as it does to products. An employer looses employees the moment the value chain is superseded by another, and vice-versa. I may be as bold to say, that this is extending to personal relationships as well, but that is another topic of debate.
As you recall from the news reports, The three Indian full service airlines, and several international carriers stopped paying 5 per cent commission on the ticket prices to travel agents from November 1. If anything, I am incensed at the airlines, for not lowering their fares by the 5% commission they used to pay the travel agents. In effect, a fare increase has been hoisted on us.
I also invite your attention to the fact that the boycott is only of the two private full-service carriers, Jet and Kingfisher. Air India is the "mai-baap" (God) of travel agents, and they will not risk their existence, by antagonising them. The travel agents have also brought on board various politicians to bring pressure for restoration of the 5% commission.
These actions of the travel agents are based on one flawed fundamental premise -- that have the god given right to be protected from the changing business environment.
Over the years, technology has caught up with the agents. Today, customers, are perusing the internet, making phone calls, and obtaining the best value for my money, just as we do for any other product or service. During this time, many travel agents became air-ticket churning machines, falling in to complacency and sloth, showing an amazing lack of business foresight that borders on outright incompetence.
Most did not bother to live up to their name TRAVEL agents. Air passengers constitute less than 1% of the total passengers who TRAVEL everyday -- in trains, buses, hotels, taxis, and yes, even planes.
During my days of super-hectic globe-trotting, I used to call my favourite airline, Singapore Airlines, directly. Choose the routing, make the booking, seating, meals, etc., myself. When all was done, my travel agent would be called in to just issue my ticket. I used to take back all, but 0.5% of the commission, my travel agent earned, as a discount, since I did all the work. In short my travel agent did not EARN the commission they were getting.
Corporate customers, are no different. In return for their large business volumes, they take discounts in the form of lines of credit, free airline tickets, and other such incentives.
In effect, travel agents were already operating in a "zero commission" regime. The recent actions of the airlines have only formalised the reality.
Despite my suggestions to the contrary, my travel agent never bothered to diversify in to other travel related services. As a passenger, I need to get visas, health and travel insurance, car transportation, hotel accommodation, foreign exchange, holidays, tours, and a whole host of other allied services. Services for which I would gladly pay for. Even today, customers will gladly pay the travel agent for services rendered, but it is incumbent on the agent to add value. Travel agents have to EARN their income, and justify their existence. As with any other business, their survival is not guaranteed.
As customers, the same travel agent will joyfully squeeze the last drop of blood, from his supplier of copier or printer paper, tea/coffee, or other office needs. Do they guarantee the business and survival of their vendor ?
My local bookstore is not insulated from competition by Amazon or Barnes and Noble online, and should Penguin, MacMillan, or any of the other publishers start selling their books online, no one has guaranteed the survival of Amazon, Premier bookstore, Gangarams, or any other sales channel. Similarly, my newspaper vendor is not guaranteed his livelihood by the numerous newspapers who now publish e-papers for all to read on the internet.
I know that the age of zero commission will hurt many travel agencies, and many of them will perish, but I remind them, the horse buggy perished in the face of the car, and we have a stronger transport system, the ocean liners perished in the face of the inter-continental airplanes, and they adapted in to holiday cruises and opened up a whole new industry.
These travel agents are smart people, and there are opportunities galore, both within and outside the air and travel sector. It does not take keen eyesight to see the daylight, nor does it take keen listening to hear the thunder, imagination and innovation coupled with swift thinking and even swifter action will differentiate the winners.
I do not know if I would call everything happening today, progress, but it is reality. As much as I do not like saying it, the faster the travel agents face the situation, the better off they will be.
Article Source:
World's Biggest Hacker - A Challenge to the Financial, Technology and Corporate Sector Security
First he reserved an airticket on shopping website for free. The payment was done by hacking the site of IDBI Bank payment gateway. Secondly, he purchased a raincoat from rediff shopping website and payment was done through hacking of Federal Bank. From both websites he received the receipt with order number and confirmed payment that the payment is done and we will deliver it within 3 days...
Alongwith, Mr. Sharma also went for discussion through a debate in the same LIVE telecast with Mr. Dhrender Kumar (Stock Exchange Expert) and Pawan Duggal (Cyber Law Expert) and they felt shocked when they saw all these right in front of their eyes. Mr. Dhrender said that, " I am shocked to see this situation. Now our money is not safe and we could not take physical risk to keep huge amount of funds with us, because technical era is on it's way towards progress. In order to avoid this we are using Net Banking, but as seen there are several vulnerabilities in banking system also... "
Mr Pawan Duggal described about some clauses and sections of Information Security Act, and asked peoples who lost their money, can claim up to 10 Million INR. But you have to prove it in the court of law, which is almost very difficult to perform. You can't get help from consumer court as well, in this situation. No one knows what can be done? Mr. Sharma also hacked the so called safe website of shares and securities trading i.e and transfered 100 INR into his Union Bank Savings Account. Indiabulls database site reflected the balance fluctuations, immediately. For discussion on this, Mr Gagan Banga (President of Indiabulls) was called in this LIVE telecast. But instead of accepting his company's technical mistakes, he challenged against Mr. Sharma's claims. He fully denied though everything was seen by millions of peoples across nation. He said that, " It's not possible to hack our trading website". Then, Mr. Sharma challenged him to prove it right in that running LIVE telecast, and asked him for oral permissions. Mr. Sharma also added that let public viewers of this telecast give their decisions after he demonstrates it right now. Once Mr. Gagan felt nervous ! because by this they can loose the confidence of people. But at last he accepted that challenge and told to Mr. Sharma that he can come in his office and hack Mr. Gagan's account. I will give you permission to hack my account, but I can't give permissions for other hacking other's accounts. This shows Mr. Gagan have doubt about his website and was afraid of Mr. Sharma's Challenge.
Article Source:
Alongwith, Mr. Sharma also went for discussion through a debate in the same LIVE telecast with Mr. Dhrender Kumar (Stock Exchange Expert) and Pawan Duggal (Cyber Law Expert) and they felt shocked when they saw all these right in front of their eyes. Mr. Dhrender said that, " I am shocked to see this situation. Now our money is not safe and we could not take physical risk to keep huge amount of funds with us, because technical era is on it's way towards progress. In order to avoid this we are using Net Banking, but as seen there are several vulnerabilities in banking system also... "
Mr Pawan Duggal described about some clauses and sections of Information Security Act, and asked peoples who lost their money, can claim up to 10 Million INR. But you have to prove it in the court of law, which is almost very difficult to perform. You can't get help from consumer court as well, in this situation. No one knows what can be done? Mr. Sharma also hacked the so called safe website of shares and securities trading i.e and transfered 100 INR into his Union Bank Savings Account. Indiabulls database site reflected the balance fluctuations, immediately. For discussion on this, Mr Gagan Banga (President of Indiabulls) was called in this LIVE telecast. But instead of accepting his company's technical mistakes, he challenged against Mr. Sharma's claims. He fully denied though everything was seen by millions of peoples across nation. He said that, " It's not possible to hack our trading website". Then, Mr. Sharma challenged him to prove it right in that running LIVE telecast, and asked him for oral permissions. Mr. Sharma also added that let public viewers of this telecast give their decisions after he demonstrates it right now. Once Mr. Gagan felt nervous ! because by this they can loose the confidence of people. But at last he accepted that challenge and told to Mr. Sharma that he can come in his office and hack Mr. Gagan's account. I will give you permission to hack my account, but I can't give permissions for other hacking other's accounts. This shows Mr. Gagan have doubt about his website and was afraid of Mr. Sharma's Challenge.
Article Source:
Free Satellite PC TV Software - 5 Good Reasons To Get Hooked Up
Why do I need satellite TV on my PC Software?
Satellite TV via PC Softwares is the new buzz to hit town in home and work entertainment. The internet has once again crossed boundaries of technology to prove that it can offer more than we previously envisioned. But why would you need to get one of those satellite PC TV Softwares downloaded to your PC or Laptop? There are several reasons and this is why?
1. Save on the monthly costs of Dish satellite TV networks
On normal average you are possibly paying anywhere between $50-$100 for the monthly subscription fees to satellite TV (the one with the satelite Dish). Cable TV viewers are even getting charged higher rates and what is more disturbing is that cable television monthly fees has gone up by an average of 8% in the last five years.
On the other hand satellite TV from the internet does not cost you a dime save for the initial download fee of not more than $50. The PCTV softwares do not charge any more fees upon installation of the software. It yours for free from here on.
2. Watch satellite TV from your PC in private
The new PCTV technology enables you to capture many of your favorite sport TV network channel from your home office or at work. Since a personal computer is just that-personal, you are able to watch many of programs that you would never watch in the sitting or TV room.
3. You can watch satellite TV on travel
Th satellite PCTV software can also be downloaded onto a laptop and used to access home TV networks provided you have an internet connection. Satellite PCTV is highly portable once you have the software downloaded.
I personally do a lot of traveling and are able to watch ESPN Sport, Euro Sport, FOX News, CNN News, ABC and CBS TV networks channels on my laptop. It is possible to even watch TV while camping with a remote internet connection and a reliable DC power supply to your laptop.
4. You will need PCTV software if you want to watch home TV channels
For people living away from their home county, they now have an option to access TV in their country. The online PCTV softwares present TV networks from across 70 countries in the world. The online foreign TV channels on PC are aired in the foreign languages including Spanish, Italian, Urdu, Indian, Farsi, Japanese, Chinese, Norwegian, French, Swedish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Dutch, German and many others.
5. Offers you flexibility to watch TV while you work
The satellite TV on PC will offer you flexibility to continue working while you catch on your favorite TV show. You do not need to leave your work station to watch any TV show. This means that you can minimize the TV screen on your monitor and drag it to a corner where your eye will keep checking what is being aired. In the mean time you work on your other computer based work like writing reports, working spreadsheets etc
One of the best free satellite PCTV software I have found is the PC Elite Edition. This software is retailed at a very minimal cost. The fact that it's not absolutely free means that it delivers.
There are however no other charges besides the start up of less than $50. Again free things tend to be expensive or outright annoying. To sample the Elite Edition and see a demo of the picture quality, follow through the links below to the vendor's site.
Article Source:
Satellite TV via PC Softwares is the new buzz to hit town in home and work entertainment. The internet has once again crossed boundaries of technology to prove that it can offer more than we previously envisioned. But why would you need to get one of those satellite PC TV Softwares downloaded to your PC or Laptop? There are several reasons and this is why?
1. Save on the monthly costs of Dish satellite TV networks
On normal average you are possibly paying anywhere between $50-$100 for the monthly subscription fees to satellite TV (the one with the satelite Dish). Cable TV viewers are even getting charged higher rates and what is more disturbing is that cable television monthly fees has gone up by an average of 8% in the last five years.
On the other hand satellite TV from the internet does not cost you a dime save for the initial download fee of not more than $50. The PCTV softwares do not charge any more fees upon installation of the software. It yours for free from here on.
2. Watch satellite TV from your PC in private
The new PCTV technology enables you to capture many of your favorite sport TV network channel from your home office or at work. Since a personal computer is just that-personal, you are able to watch many of programs that you would never watch in the sitting or TV room.
3. You can watch satellite TV on travel
Th satellite PCTV software can also be downloaded onto a laptop and used to access home TV networks provided you have an internet connection. Satellite PCTV is highly portable once you have the software downloaded.
I personally do a lot of traveling and are able to watch ESPN Sport, Euro Sport, FOX News, CNN News, ABC and CBS TV networks channels on my laptop. It is possible to even watch TV while camping with a remote internet connection and a reliable DC power supply to your laptop.
4. You will need PCTV software if you want to watch home TV channels
For people living away from their home county, they now have an option to access TV in their country. The online PCTV softwares present TV networks from across 70 countries in the world. The online foreign TV channels on PC are aired in the foreign languages including Spanish, Italian, Urdu, Indian, Farsi, Japanese, Chinese, Norwegian, French, Swedish, Bulgarian, Romanian, Dutch, German and many others.
5. Offers you flexibility to watch TV while you work
The satellite TV on PC will offer you flexibility to continue working while you catch on your favorite TV show. You do not need to leave your work station to watch any TV show. This means that you can minimize the TV screen on your monitor and drag it to a corner where your eye will keep checking what is being aired. In the mean time you work on your other computer based work like writing reports, working spreadsheets etc
One of the best free satellite PCTV software I have found is the PC Elite Edition. This software is retailed at a very minimal cost. The fact that it's not absolutely free means that it delivers.
There are however no other charges besides the start up of less than $50. Again free things tend to be expensive or outright annoying. To sample the Elite Edition and see a demo of the picture quality, follow through the links below to the vendor's site.
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Healthy Chocolate - Truth Or Myth?
Are you a fan of chocolates? And I don't mean just regular Hershey's or Nestlé chocolates. I'm talking about mouthwatering chocolates such as those that you can only find in France or Switzerland. I know I am, and I sure wouldn't mind enjoying a piece of luscious European-style chocolate right about now. But as good as some of these chocolates may taste, are they actually beneficial to your health? From scientific research and just plain observation of how chocolates are typically produced, I know that these types of chocolates can hurt your health more than not. On the other hand, I know of one chocolate that actually is good for your health and is healthy to eat on a regular basis. Can you believe that? A sweet that you can actually eat on a regular basis? If you haven't heard of it, it is the world-renowned Xocai Chocolate.
As stated in the October 2005 Prevention Magazine, eating dark chocolates can provide many health benefits unbeknownst to many in the past. But don't take my word for it. Doctors are actually recommending this, however, they are not recommending you run out and just buy any plain old dark chocolate (i.e. - Dove chocolates). The reason is that these types of chocolates have been artificially processed, and contain undesirable fats, sugar, and preservatives. Instead, doctors are recommending dark chocolate that has been produced by natural means, such as Xocai Chocolate. Based on scientific and medical research, dark chocolates have the ability to lower blood pressure and even prevent heart disease. As a rather powerful antioxidant, a piece of dark chocolate a day has been found to eliminate harmful molecules (also known as free radicals) that, if left to thrive in the body, can lead to heart disease.
In addition, could hot cocoa be the next "wonder drug" for high blood pressure?
Harvard researchers praise stunningly simple discovery!
According to recent estimates, nearly 1-in-3 American adults have high blood pressure. But for the Kuna Indians living on a group of islands off the Caribbean coast of Panama, hypertension doesn't even exist. In fact, after age 60, the average blood pressure for Kuna Indian islanders is a perfect 110/70.
Is it because they eat less salt? No. Kuna Indians eat as much, if not more salt, than people in the U.S.
Is it due to their genes? No. Kuna Indians who move away from the islands are just as likely to suffer from high blood pressure as anyone else!
So what makes these folks practically "immune" to hypertension... and lets them enjoy much lower death rates from heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and cancer? Harvard researches were stunned to discover it's because they drink about 5 cups of cocoa each day. That's right, cocoa! Studies show the flavonols in cocoa stimulate your body's production of nitric oxide, thus boosting blood flow to your heart, brain and other organs. In fact, one study found cocoa thins your blood just as well as low-dose aspirin!
But that's not all. A Harvard Medical School professor claims cocoa can also treat blocked arteries, congestive heart failure, stroke, dementia, even impotence! Just be sure you eat the special type of cocoa found in Xocai Chocolate as it contains more than eight times as many heart-healthy flavonols as red wine!
o Say adios to beta-blockers and eat this yummy healthy chocolate instead! Acts as a natural calcium channel blocker to relax your arteries and improve blood flow.
o Cut your risk of high blood pressure by more than two-thirds simply by eating this great tasting healthy chocolate three times a day. Works no matter what your family history.
If you follow the health and wellness trends, then you may have come across ProductScan Online. Often quoted by big names such as the Wall Street Journal, and CNN, this trend tracking organization has predicted that the up-and-coming nutritional trend will be led by dark chocolates, and followed by Acai berries, omega fatty acids, and other antioxidants. Because Xocai Chocolate contain three out of four of these top health ingredients, it is no doubt that your blood pressure will be lower and your risk of heart disease will be greatly decreased just by eating these tasty and mouthwatering chocolates on a regular basis. Jampacked with antioxidants, without the fillers, undesirable fats, and preservatives, all of Xocai's products are produced with unprocessed cocoa powder, combined with Acai berries and blueberries. A rather tasty concoction, I must say.
So is it a myth or is it truth? From experience and from the signals that my taste buds and my heart are giving me, I know that it is the latter. Now, being able to enjoy some of the best tasting chocolates is just around the corner. Pick up a box today and try it for yourself; you won't be disappointed. And best of all, it is on your doctor's "Things to Eat To Stay Healthy" list. How much better can it get?
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Article Source:
As stated in the October 2005 Prevention Magazine, eating dark chocolates can provide many health benefits unbeknownst to many in the past. But don't take my word for it. Doctors are actually recommending this, however, they are not recommending you run out and just buy any plain old dark chocolate (i.e. - Dove chocolates). The reason is that these types of chocolates have been artificially processed, and contain undesirable fats, sugar, and preservatives. Instead, doctors are recommending dark chocolate that has been produced by natural means, such as Xocai Chocolate. Based on scientific and medical research, dark chocolates have the ability to lower blood pressure and even prevent heart disease. As a rather powerful antioxidant, a piece of dark chocolate a day has been found to eliminate harmful molecules (also known as free radicals) that, if left to thrive in the body, can lead to heart disease.
In addition, could hot cocoa be the next "wonder drug" for high blood pressure?
Harvard researchers praise stunningly simple discovery!
According to recent estimates, nearly 1-in-3 American adults have high blood pressure. But for the Kuna Indians living on a group of islands off the Caribbean coast of Panama, hypertension doesn't even exist. In fact, after age 60, the average blood pressure for Kuna Indian islanders is a perfect 110/70.
Is it because they eat less salt? No. Kuna Indians eat as much, if not more salt, than people in the U.S.
Is it due to their genes? No. Kuna Indians who move away from the islands are just as likely to suffer from high blood pressure as anyone else!
So what makes these folks practically "immune" to hypertension... and lets them enjoy much lower death rates from heart attacks, strokes, diabetes and cancer? Harvard researches were stunned to discover it's because they drink about 5 cups of cocoa each day. That's right, cocoa! Studies show the flavonols in cocoa stimulate your body's production of nitric oxide, thus boosting blood flow to your heart, brain and other organs. In fact, one study found cocoa thins your blood just as well as low-dose aspirin!
But that's not all. A Harvard Medical School professor claims cocoa can also treat blocked arteries, congestive heart failure, stroke, dementia, even impotence! Just be sure you eat the special type of cocoa found in Xocai Chocolate as it contains more than eight times as many heart-healthy flavonols as red wine!
o Say adios to beta-blockers and eat this yummy healthy chocolate instead! Acts as a natural calcium channel blocker to relax your arteries and improve blood flow.
o Cut your risk of high blood pressure by more than two-thirds simply by eating this great tasting healthy chocolate three times a day. Works no matter what your family history.
If you follow the health and wellness trends, then you may have come across ProductScan Online. Often quoted by big names such as the Wall Street Journal, and CNN, this trend tracking organization has predicted that the up-and-coming nutritional trend will be led by dark chocolates, and followed by Acai berries, omega fatty acids, and other antioxidants. Because Xocai Chocolate contain three out of four of these top health ingredients, it is no doubt that your blood pressure will be lower and your risk of heart disease will be greatly decreased just by eating these tasty and mouthwatering chocolates on a regular basis. Jampacked with antioxidants, without the fillers, undesirable fats, and preservatives, all of Xocai's products are produced with unprocessed cocoa powder, combined with Acai berries and blueberries. A rather tasty concoction, I must say.
So is it a myth or is it truth? From experience and from the signals that my taste buds and my heart are giving me, I know that it is the latter. Now, being able to enjoy some of the best tasting chocolates is just around the corner. Pick up a box today and try it for yourself; you won't be disappointed. And best of all, it is on your doctor's "Things to Eat To Stay Healthy" list. How much better can it get?
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Media Journalism Jobs in India - Mass Media Jobs
India is one of the fastest growing nation that has abundant potential in terms of media journalism jobs. To do mass media jobs you can search TV jobs, radio jobs, jobs in newspaper, magazine and other print media companies, online website and Internet media job. Public relations (PR), advertising, sound, video and other multimedia jobs are also considered as mass media jobs.
Television that is considered as the leader in digital media has been seeing profuse growth in terms of number of channels. With the technological advancements in the field of broadband, IPTV and DTH the number of channels and TV as an electronic media will further grow leading to many media journalism jobs in India. It is found by the FICCI that growth in the Entertainment and Media industry is more than the Indian economy. Moreover the numerous media jobs and journalism jobs are greatly affected by the contributory foreign direct investment (FDI) environment. All different medias be it a print, television, radio, films all are open to FDI.
Expansion in media journalism jobs have also been done by the many key players of other industries that are now joining the media and entertainment industry. Reliance Capital, Videsh Sanchar Nigma Limited (VSNL) of TATA group are the important names who have joined the E&M industry. Foreign investor Henderson Global has invested in Hindustan Times and Financial Times has invested in the Business Standard. This has led to the generation of media jobs in these print media giants. Owing to this, print media is generating many journalism jobs and also showing profuse growth.
Radio with many latest FM channels is again gaining momentum and leading to growth in media journalism jobs in India. This is a great push to the entertainment and media (E & M) industry. Electronic media has seen the growth in the number of channels. Walt Disney, Start Sports, ESPN, BBC are few to name in the media industry.
Now media journalism growth on such a large scale truly needs so many employees that are hired through media journalism jobs in this entertainment and information sector.
Along with these traditional media sectors, Internet is also catching fire and according to the recent estimates there are about 28 million users of Internet. Internet advertising sector in India stands at about INR 1 Billion. There are now many media journalism jobs in India pertaining to Internet. Many news sites are coming that need journalist, writers, reporters and the whole editorial and website maintaining team. All the channels, FM radios, newspapers along with media jobs are also leading to the growth of advertising jobs.
There is no doubt regarding the media industry in India that has numerous prospects and generating far better media journalism jobs in India. With efforts of government and many key players the journalism scenario in India has been metamorphosed from caterpillar to butterfly.
Top Recruiters for Media Jobs in India
* Balaji Telefilms
* Bennett, Coleman & Co. (The Times of India Group)
* Hindustan Times
* India Today Group
* Living Media India
Article Source:
Television that is considered as the leader in digital media has been seeing profuse growth in terms of number of channels. With the technological advancements in the field of broadband, IPTV and DTH the number of channels and TV as an electronic media will further grow leading to many media journalism jobs in India. It is found by the FICCI that growth in the Entertainment and Media industry is more than the Indian economy. Moreover the numerous media jobs and journalism jobs are greatly affected by the contributory foreign direct investment (FDI) environment. All different medias be it a print, television, radio, films all are open to FDI.
Expansion in media journalism jobs have also been done by the many key players of other industries that are now joining the media and entertainment industry. Reliance Capital, Videsh Sanchar Nigma Limited (VSNL) of TATA group are the important names who have joined the E&M industry. Foreign investor Henderson Global has invested in Hindustan Times and Financial Times has invested in the Business Standard. This has led to the generation of media jobs in these print media giants. Owing to this, print media is generating many journalism jobs and also showing profuse growth.
Radio with many latest FM channels is again gaining momentum and leading to growth in media journalism jobs in India. This is a great push to the entertainment and media (E & M) industry. Electronic media has seen the growth in the number of channels. Walt Disney, Start Sports, ESPN, BBC are few to name in the media industry.
Now media journalism growth on such a large scale truly needs so many employees that are hired through media journalism jobs in this entertainment and information sector.
Along with these traditional media sectors, Internet is also catching fire and according to the recent estimates there are about 28 million users of Internet. Internet advertising sector in India stands at about INR 1 Billion. There are now many media journalism jobs in India pertaining to Internet. Many news sites are coming that need journalist, writers, reporters and the whole editorial and website maintaining team. All the channels, FM radios, newspapers along with media jobs are also leading to the growth of advertising jobs.
There is no doubt regarding the media industry in India that has numerous prospects and generating far better media journalism jobs in India. With efforts of government and many key players the journalism scenario in India has been metamorphosed from caterpillar to butterfly.
Top Recruiters for Media Jobs in India
* Balaji Telefilms
* Bennett, Coleman & Co. (The Times of India Group)
* Hindustan Times
* India Today Group
* Living Media India
Article Source:
Australia's Undiscovered Jewel
Bunbury and the South West area of Western Australia (or WA) is one of the world's great places to live, with a Mediterranean climate, sandy-white beaches, beautiful native forests and all the infrastructure expected of a modern western society.
Bunbury is the major city in WA's South West region, that is also home to other centres such as Busselton, Margaret River, Donnybrook, Manjimup, Augusta, Pemberton, Collie, Harvey and Bridgetown.
Located 175km south of Perth, the city and its neighboring suburbs have a population of 52,000 and Bunbury is one of Australia's fastest growing cities. Bunbury is the commercial hub to WA's "South West", an area that is home to the Margaret River wine region and major coal, alumina and mineral sands industries; a region that boasts around 8,000 businesses and a GDP of over $5 billion. Presently it is about a 2 hour drive from Perth to Bunbury, but this will be reduced by 30 minutes on the completion of the recently announced Bunbury Highway or Peel Deviation.
Western Australia is Australia's largest state, comprising about one-third of Australia's land mass and occupying over 2.5 million square kilometres in area. WA is divided into 10 regional areas - the South West, Mid West, North West, Peel, Wheatbelt, Great Southern, Goldfields-Esperance, Pilbara, Gascoyne and Kimberley.
Outside Perth, Bunbury is Western Australia's next largest city. It boasts a thriving CBD shopping and business area that is these days more famous for its many restaurants and cafés, or as it is referred to locally - The Cappuccino Strip, and more recently the fast developing Marlston waterfront area that already includes the upmarket Vat 2 restaurant, Taffy's "live" confectionary outlet, Barbados tavern and nightclub, Jiving J's waterfront bar and eatery and "Surprise Chef" Aristos's own seafood boardwalk.
Many restaurants are open early and close late, with the remainder open in the evenings from around 6pm and for lunch around 12-2pm. There's a bevy of fast-food options both within the city area and in the Bunbury suburbs, and Bunbury is well known for its family-owned pizza stores in the city area.
Enjoying a mild Mediterranean climate, the city is bordered by the Indian Ocean, Koombana Bay and Leschenault inlet and naturally enough water sports, port and harbour facilities as well as a growing seafoods industry, feature highly in the local lifestyle and economy. Bunbury's port is Australia's ninth largest port by volume and by 2020 should be rated within the nation's top five.
Thousands of years ago Bunbury was subject to lava flows which resulted in both the unique basalt rock formations on the city beach as well as the present Marlston Hill and Boulters Heights, where today some of Bunbury's most exclusive residential real estate is located. Bunbury is also home to Australia's southernmost mangroves and the world's last native Tuart forest is just south of Bunbury.
The first recorded mapping of what is now Koombana Bay and the eventual City of Bunbury, was in 1803 by the French explorers Nicolas Baudin and Louis de Freycinet, from their ships the Geographe and Casuarina. In 1831 there was a temporary English military settlement with the first settlers moving to the area named after Lieutenant Henry William St Pierre Bunbury in 1838. A growing port serviced the settlers and the subsequent local industries that developed.
The area is the traditional land of the Noongar Aboriginal people with many Noongar names and travel routes still widely used today. The Noongar (which means "man") people have occupied the south west area of Western Australia for around 38,000 years and their traditional stories tell of the Waagle (or Rainbow Serpent) giving life and sustenance to their people who in return were the caretakers of the land.
Bunbury is truly a water-lifestyle city being bordered by the Indian Ocean, Koombana Bay and Leschenault Inlet and fed by the Collie and Preston Rivers; making watersports such as sailing, water skiing, fishing, wind surfing, diving and snorkelling, boating, rowing, swimming, surfing and jet skiing extremely popular.
Bunbury is a great place to live, and especially so for families. There's plenty to do and there's a wide range of education options, with government and independent pre-primary, primary and secondary schools as well as a TAFE College and a campus of Edith Cowan University.
There are numerous property choices in the Bunbury area ranging from trendy cosmopolitan apartments to traditional suburban family homes and from beach retreats to rural or semi-rural properties.
There is a wide variety of attractions, with Bunbury the home of the Dolphin Discovery Centre where you can learn about and interact with wild dolphins, whilst in 2005 the city hopes to host a round of the Formula Nippon motor racing circuit. There is an indoor skate centre, ten pin bowling, cinema within the CBD area with the Bunbury Entertainment Centre alongside. Bunbury boasts a major aquatic and fitness centre with a smaller indoor pool located at Australind. You can get a good view of Bunbury and the surrounding areas from the Apex Lookout Tower at Marlston Hill or at Boulters Heights, right alongside the city centre.
Bunbury is home to up to 90 bottlenose dolphins and visitors can wade in Koombana Bay while dolphins swim amongst you or you can take one of the Dolphin Discovery Centre's "Swim with the Dolphins" cruises. Bunbury is one of the few places where wild dolphins freely visit the beach and interract with humans.
There are 9 secondary schools in the central Bunbury area, a campus of Edith Cowan University, TAFE College, several shopping centres, sporting grounds and major private and public hospitals.
Shops are normally open 8.30am-5.30pm Monday to Friday and 8.30am-5.00pm Saturdays with late night shopping until 9pm on Thursday. The Eaton Fair Shopping Centre in Bunbury's north-eastern suburbs has extended trading hours 7 days a week. Banks only operate 10am - 4pm Monday through Thursday and until 5pm on Fridays, although credit and building societies normally also open on Saturday mornings. There are a host of automatic teller machines and bank agencies dotted in and around Bunbury.
To get around Bunbury there are ample modern taxis, a public bus transport service and more recently a tourist "tram" that will carry you about the city areas and give you an explanation of the local sites as you go. The Bunbury Visitor Centre in Carmody Street near Centrepoint Shopping Centre will also assist with additional maps and local knowledge.
There are a number of Post Offices in the Bunbury area and postage stamps can also be purchased at local newsagencies. Postage for a standard letter, anywhere in Australia, is 50c.
Free to Air TV channels in Bunbury are the ABC, GWN, WIN and SBS but many homes also receive the Perth networks 7, 9 and 10. Foxtel pay TV is also available in Bunbury. The electricity supply in Bunbury, like the rest of Australia, is 240v. While you are travelling you can be updated on Bunbury and the South West region by turning to Western Tourist Radio. In the Bunbury region turn to 98.4 FM.
City and suburban locations in the Bunbury area include Australind, Eaton, Dalyellup, Vittoria Heights, Marlston Hill, Clifton Park, Gelorup, Mangles, Leschenault, Crosslands, Sandridge Park, Glen Padden, South Bunbury, Withers, College Grove, Carey Park, Picton, Davenport and East Bunbury. There is a full listing of Bunbury real estate in the Bunbury Online real estate guide.
The Bunbury region of Western Australia includes the areas of Harvey, Capel, Dardanup, Binningup, Myalup, Burekup, Boyanup, Peppermint Grove Beach, Stratham, Yarloop, Wokalup, Benger, Brunswick, Roelands, Leschenault and the Ferguson Valley.
Bunbury is now also home to a substantial expat community from the USA, Canada, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana, however, the original human inhabitants of the South West area of WA are the Noongar Aboriginal people.
Today, as locals try to make sense of the established Western seasons, it is worthwhile examining the traditional Noongar seasons that divided the south west's climate into 6 rather than 4 separate seasons.
In Noongar Aboriginal culture, Boojar (or land) is of the utmost importance. Each tribal group had their own kaleep or favoured camping locality, which held a special significence to them. The culture has a complex relationship to the land and pays respect to the seasons and the bountiful supply of food.
The Noongar year has six seasons, the first being from December to January. This season is called Birak where hot, easterly winds blow during the day and Noongar people used to burn sections of scrubland to force animals into the open to hunt.
From February to March, during Bunuru, the dry weather conditions meant Noongars moved to estuaries where fish constituted a large proportion of the seasonal diet.
During Djeran, in April to May, the weather was becoming cooler with winds from the south west. Fishing continued and bulbs and seeds were collected for food.
During the coldest season, Makuru (june to July), Noongars moved inland to hunt areas once rains had replenished inland water resources.
In Djilba, as the weather was becoming warmer from August to September, roots were collected and emus, possums and kangaroo were hunted.
In Kambarang, when rain was decreasing during October to November, families moved towards the coast where frogs, totoises and freshwater crayfish were caught.
Bunbury is the major city in WA's South West region, that is also home to other centres such as Busselton, Margaret River, Donnybrook, Manjimup, Augusta, Pemberton, Collie, Harvey and Bridgetown.
Located 175km south of Perth, the city and its neighboring suburbs have a population of 52,000 and Bunbury is one of Australia's fastest growing cities. Bunbury is the commercial hub to WA's "South West", an area that is home to the Margaret River wine region and major coal, alumina and mineral sands industries; a region that boasts around 8,000 businesses and a GDP of over $5 billion. Presently it is about a 2 hour drive from Perth to Bunbury, but this will be reduced by 30 minutes on the completion of the recently announced Bunbury Highway or Peel Deviation.
Western Australia is Australia's largest state, comprising about one-third of Australia's land mass and occupying over 2.5 million square kilometres in area. WA is divided into 10 regional areas - the South West, Mid West, North West, Peel, Wheatbelt, Great Southern, Goldfields-Esperance, Pilbara, Gascoyne and Kimberley.
Outside Perth, Bunbury is Western Australia's next largest city. It boasts a thriving CBD shopping and business area that is these days more famous for its many restaurants and cafés, or as it is referred to locally - The Cappuccino Strip, and more recently the fast developing Marlston waterfront area that already includes the upmarket Vat 2 restaurant, Taffy's "live" confectionary outlet, Barbados tavern and nightclub, Jiving J's waterfront bar and eatery and "Surprise Chef" Aristos's own seafood boardwalk.
Many restaurants are open early and close late, with the remainder open in the evenings from around 6pm and for lunch around 12-2pm. There's a bevy of fast-food options both within the city area and in the Bunbury suburbs, and Bunbury is well known for its family-owned pizza stores in the city area.
Enjoying a mild Mediterranean climate, the city is bordered by the Indian Ocean, Koombana Bay and Leschenault inlet and naturally enough water sports, port and harbour facilities as well as a growing seafoods industry, feature highly in the local lifestyle and economy. Bunbury's port is Australia's ninth largest port by volume and by 2020 should be rated within the nation's top five.
Thousands of years ago Bunbury was subject to lava flows which resulted in both the unique basalt rock formations on the city beach as well as the present Marlston Hill and Boulters Heights, where today some of Bunbury's most exclusive residential real estate is located. Bunbury is also home to Australia's southernmost mangroves and the world's last native Tuart forest is just south of Bunbury.
The first recorded mapping of what is now Koombana Bay and the eventual City of Bunbury, was in 1803 by the French explorers Nicolas Baudin and Louis de Freycinet, from their ships the Geographe and Casuarina. In 1831 there was a temporary English military settlement with the first settlers moving to the area named after Lieutenant Henry William St Pierre Bunbury in 1838. A growing port serviced the settlers and the subsequent local industries that developed.
The area is the traditional land of the Noongar Aboriginal people with many Noongar names and travel routes still widely used today. The Noongar (which means "man") people have occupied the south west area of Western Australia for around 38,000 years and their traditional stories tell of the Waagle (or Rainbow Serpent) giving life and sustenance to their people who in return were the caretakers of the land.
Bunbury is truly a water-lifestyle city being bordered by the Indian Ocean, Koombana Bay and Leschenault Inlet and fed by the Collie and Preston Rivers; making watersports such as sailing, water skiing, fishing, wind surfing, diving and snorkelling, boating, rowing, swimming, surfing and jet skiing extremely popular.
Bunbury is a great place to live, and especially so for families. There's plenty to do and there's a wide range of education options, with government and independent pre-primary, primary and secondary schools as well as a TAFE College and a campus of Edith Cowan University.
There are numerous property choices in the Bunbury area ranging from trendy cosmopolitan apartments to traditional suburban family homes and from beach retreats to rural or semi-rural properties.
There is a wide variety of attractions, with Bunbury the home of the Dolphin Discovery Centre where you can learn about and interact with wild dolphins, whilst in 2005 the city hopes to host a round of the Formula Nippon motor racing circuit. There is an indoor skate centre, ten pin bowling, cinema within the CBD area with the Bunbury Entertainment Centre alongside. Bunbury boasts a major aquatic and fitness centre with a smaller indoor pool located at Australind. You can get a good view of Bunbury and the surrounding areas from the Apex Lookout Tower at Marlston Hill or at Boulters Heights, right alongside the city centre.
Bunbury is home to up to 90 bottlenose dolphins and visitors can wade in Koombana Bay while dolphins swim amongst you or you can take one of the Dolphin Discovery Centre's "Swim with the Dolphins" cruises. Bunbury is one of the few places where wild dolphins freely visit the beach and interract with humans.
There are 9 secondary schools in the central Bunbury area, a campus of Edith Cowan University, TAFE College, several shopping centres, sporting grounds and major private and public hospitals.
Shops are normally open 8.30am-5.30pm Monday to Friday and 8.30am-5.00pm Saturdays with late night shopping until 9pm on Thursday. The Eaton Fair Shopping Centre in Bunbury's north-eastern suburbs has extended trading hours 7 days a week. Banks only operate 10am - 4pm Monday through Thursday and until 5pm on Fridays, although credit and building societies normally also open on Saturday mornings. There are a host of automatic teller machines and bank agencies dotted in and around Bunbury.
To get around Bunbury there are ample modern taxis, a public bus transport service and more recently a tourist "tram" that will carry you about the city areas and give you an explanation of the local sites as you go. The Bunbury Visitor Centre in Carmody Street near Centrepoint Shopping Centre will also assist with additional maps and local knowledge.
There are a number of Post Offices in the Bunbury area and postage stamps can also be purchased at local newsagencies. Postage for a standard letter, anywhere in Australia, is 50c.
Free to Air TV channels in Bunbury are the ABC, GWN, WIN and SBS but many homes also receive the Perth networks 7, 9 and 10. Foxtel pay TV is also available in Bunbury. The electricity supply in Bunbury, like the rest of Australia, is 240v. While you are travelling you can be updated on Bunbury and the South West region by turning to Western Tourist Radio. In the Bunbury region turn to 98.4 FM.
City and suburban locations in the Bunbury area include Australind, Eaton, Dalyellup, Vittoria Heights, Marlston Hill, Clifton Park, Gelorup, Mangles, Leschenault, Crosslands, Sandridge Park, Glen Padden, South Bunbury, Withers, College Grove, Carey Park, Picton, Davenport and East Bunbury. There is a full listing of Bunbury real estate in the Bunbury Online real estate guide.
The Bunbury region of Western Australia includes the areas of Harvey, Capel, Dardanup, Binningup, Myalup, Burekup, Boyanup, Peppermint Grove Beach, Stratham, Yarloop, Wokalup, Benger, Brunswick, Roelands, Leschenault and the Ferguson Valley.
Bunbury is now also home to a substantial expat community from the USA, Canada, South Africa, Zimbabwe and Botswana, however, the original human inhabitants of the South West area of WA are the Noongar Aboriginal people.
Today, as locals try to make sense of the established Western seasons, it is worthwhile examining the traditional Noongar seasons that divided the south west's climate into 6 rather than 4 separate seasons.
In Noongar Aboriginal culture, Boojar (or land) is of the utmost importance. Each tribal group had their own kaleep or favoured camping locality, which held a special significence to them. The culture has a complex relationship to the land and pays respect to the seasons and the bountiful supply of food.
The Noongar year has six seasons, the first being from December to January. This season is called Birak where hot, easterly winds blow during the day and Noongar people used to burn sections of scrubland to force animals into the open to hunt.
From February to March, during Bunuru, the dry weather conditions meant Noongars moved to estuaries where fish constituted a large proportion of the seasonal diet.
During Djeran, in April to May, the weather was becoming cooler with winds from the south west. Fishing continued and bulbs and seeds were collected for food.
During the coldest season, Makuru (june to July), Noongars moved inland to hunt areas once rains had replenished inland water resources.
In Djilba, as the weather was becoming warmer from August to September, roots were collected and emus, possums and kangaroo were hunted.
In Kambarang, when rain was decreasing during October to November, families moved towards the coast where frogs, totoises and freshwater crayfish were caught.
What If America Withdrew From the World?
There are many articles online that seem to suggest that the United States is not very popular. In fact, if the online hoopla is to be believed, America is more than disliked; it is hated. So, what to do?
How about withdrawing from every aspect of global interaction? Find or develop our own energy resources and let the Middle East, Venezuela, and Russia bite the dust? Buy no more products made in China, Indonesia, Pakistan, or Bangladesh? Import no food from Mexico, or Guatemala or El Salvador? Send no tourists to Argentina, Tokyo, or Sidney? Allow no students in from India, Sri Lanka, or Ecuador? Close all computer help lines outside the continental U.S. Send no money or assistance to refugees in Rwanda, or Ghana, or Darfur. Adopt no so-called Third World kids? Close all military bases in Europe and Asia? Let the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and Hamas (maybe even Russia) run the Middle East? Abandon Israel?
Allow no more Muslims, Mexicans, Mongolians, or anyone else who differs from our Christianity, our clothing styles, our sexual mores into the country? (By the way, the U.S. has more Muslims than many Muslim countries.) Place military all along the Canadian and Mexican borders? Withdraw completely unto ourselves? What might happen?
Well, you know we won't do any of that, but think of the devastation it would cause for the world if the United States withdrew even a small percentage of its influence and money and buying power and charity. Let the Chinese and Indians fight it out for dominance (since that's what both of them want, anyway). Let Iran develop as many nuclear weapons as it can. Allow the Somalian pirates to completely ravage the Indian Ocean shipping channels. Send no corn, no wheat, no foodstuffs of any kind out to the starving millions. (Oh, and as bad as it is, McDonald's feeds more people than most governments.) Yeah. That's it. Let's either kick America out of our lives and off the planet, or make it bow to our wishes. Then things will be OK.
Article Source:
How about withdrawing from every aspect of global interaction? Find or develop our own energy resources and let the Middle East, Venezuela, and Russia bite the dust? Buy no more products made in China, Indonesia, Pakistan, or Bangladesh? Import no food from Mexico, or Guatemala or El Salvador? Send no tourists to Argentina, Tokyo, or Sidney? Allow no students in from India, Sri Lanka, or Ecuador? Close all computer help lines outside the continental U.S. Send no money or assistance to refugees in Rwanda, or Ghana, or Darfur. Adopt no so-called Third World kids? Close all military bases in Europe and Asia? Let the Taliban, Al Qaeda, and Hamas (maybe even Russia) run the Middle East? Abandon Israel?
Allow no more Muslims, Mexicans, Mongolians, or anyone else who differs from our Christianity, our clothing styles, our sexual mores into the country? (By the way, the U.S. has more Muslims than many Muslim countries.) Place military all along the Canadian and Mexican borders? Withdraw completely unto ourselves? What might happen?
Well, you know we won't do any of that, but think of the devastation it would cause for the world if the United States withdrew even a small percentage of its influence and money and buying power and charity. Let the Chinese and Indians fight it out for dominance (since that's what both of them want, anyway). Let Iran develop as many nuclear weapons as it can. Allow the Somalian pirates to completely ravage the Indian Ocean shipping channels. Send no corn, no wheat, no foodstuffs of any kind out to the starving millions. (Oh, and as bad as it is, McDonald's feeds more people than most governments.) Yeah. That's it. Let's either kick America out of our lives and off the planet, or make it bow to our wishes. Then things will be OK.
Article Source:
Organic Clothing For Bridal Gowns and Wedding Dresses
In today's eco-aware world, eco-friendly bridal fashions are becoming very stylish and still providing the comfort and breathable aspect of organic clothes. More designers are creating fashionable custom-designed and ready-to wear organic clothes for wedding affairs and other special occasions. In this article, I write about my recent conversations with designer Shubhra Chandra and her recent wedding designs for Boston Channel 7 News Reporter Sorboni Banerjee and her husband Jarrod Holbrooke from Boston Channel 5 News for their fall 2009 wedding.
A key desire for Sorboni and Shubhra was to create the bridal wear that would fuse the meeting of the heart for two people coming from two different traditions - Sorboni with her Indian-American background and Jarrod with his Texas-American heritage. The goal was to have east meet west in a way that would look gorgeous and rich, but not overwhelm the reason why two people come together. That reason being love where two hearts are willing to embrace each other and their backgrounds.
Moreover, Sorboni wanted to use a designer who worked with environmentally responsible processes and eco-friendly materials for her wedding wear. Shubrah Designs, from the day it was conceived, has followed these concepts. Many designers supporting eco friendly clothing donate a percentage of sales to non-profit organizations involved in the betterment of lives of poor women and children around the world.
To get the right designs and the right materials, Shubhra, Sorboni and others worked together on sketches, colors, fabrics, silhouettes and trims. Fabrics such as yards of Benarasi silk saris and hand loomed Baluchari scarves were sourced in India. Jewelry and brocade stoles were matched in Delhi, hand made ties were designed to match the dresses. The designs, the fabrics and several sittings were combined to create the final outfits.
Sorboni's wedding gown was a rich golden bridal corset made from Benarasi sari material combined with silk and other material. Photograph of Soboni's gown concept sketch can be found at Shubrah Designs' blog.
The blog also shows a photograph of Sorboni wearing the bride's rehearsal dinner dress made from a silk scarf that was hand loomed in Bengal (India), photographs of bridesmaid dresses made from silk Benarasi saris, grooms outfit and the mother-of-the-bride gown.
Article Source:
A key desire for Sorboni and Shubhra was to create the bridal wear that would fuse the meeting of the heart for two people coming from two different traditions - Sorboni with her Indian-American background and Jarrod with his Texas-American heritage. The goal was to have east meet west in a way that would look gorgeous and rich, but not overwhelm the reason why two people come together. That reason being love where two hearts are willing to embrace each other and their backgrounds.
Moreover, Sorboni wanted to use a designer who worked with environmentally responsible processes and eco-friendly materials for her wedding wear. Shubrah Designs, from the day it was conceived, has followed these concepts. Many designers supporting eco friendly clothing donate a percentage of sales to non-profit organizations involved in the betterment of lives of poor women and children around the world.
To get the right designs and the right materials, Shubhra, Sorboni and others worked together on sketches, colors, fabrics, silhouettes and trims. Fabrics such as yards of Benarasi silk saris and hand loomed Baluchari scarves were sourced in India. Jewelry and brocade stoles were matched in Delhi, hand made ties were designed to match the dresses. The designs, the fabrics and several sittings were combined to create the final outfits.
Sorboni's wedding gown was a rich golden bridal corset made from Benarasi sari material combined with silk and other material. Photograph of Soboni's gown concept sketch can be found at Shubrah Designs' blog.
The blog also shows a photograph of Sorboni wearing the bride's rehearsal dinner dress made from a silk scarf that was hand loomed in Bengal (India), photographs of bridesmaid dresses made from silk Benarasi saris, grooms outfit and the mother-of-the-bride gown.
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Effect of Web 2.0 on Journalism
'Haiti struck by a massive earthquake' - the horrible news that broke down on me first thing in the morning. My computer screen was swarming with live updates, pictures, videos, fund-raising campaigns LIVE from Haiti. The Haiti Earthquake had launched a wave of sympathy, information and aid through social media such as Facebook, Skype, Flickr, YouTube and Twitter (and real time that too) No press, no radio, no TV - just pure technology and social media connected me to a catastrophe in some other corner of the world. With conventional communications either damaged or down, social media, connected via cell-phone or satellite-systems, took up the slack.
So what is so 'different' and 'unusual' about getting information and live updates from the internet and social media? Didn't the same happen during the Indian Ocean tsunami and the Iran elections? Yes indeed the same happened and on this note I realized that all of us have started taking internet and social media updates and news for granted. I still remember the days when TV and Newspapers use to be the ONLY way we could know what is happening around the world and that too all passive - nothing I could contribute even if I had a strong opinion or useful information. This shift from traditional Journalism to a technology generated 'new wave of journalism' has changed the way news is delivered and dispersed forever. A silent but radical change has taken place - welcome to Journalism 2.0.
The technology I have been talking about is popularly referred to as 'Web 2.0', a widely used term which describes the 'new second version' of the World Wide Web. Web 2.0 is not a specific application or technology, but explains a noticeable shift within Information Technology to 'user-generated content'. It can be well described as a people-oriented technology movement where the user is the king. From microblogging site twitter and the group edited online reference source Wikipedia to the social networking site Facebook, and even the giant search engine Google, all demand active participation and social interaction. The users no longer can only 'retrieve' information but also contribute, modify and share information.
The Web 2.0 revolution has given traditional Journalism a massive shock. As more and more people are going 'online' to get news, the roots of traditional journalism are weakening. Major news channels such as CNN even have a special section for user generated content. Journalists have started tweeting, developing websites and writing blogs why not? Journalism 2.0 is the future and they need to keep in pace.
Article Source:
So what is so 'different' and 'unusual' about getting information and live updates from the internet and social media? Didn't the same happen during the Indian Ocean tsunami and the Iran elections? Yes indeed the same happened and on this note I realized that all of us have started taking internet and social media updates and news for granted. I still remember the days when TV and Newspapers use to be the ONLY way we could know what is happening around the world and that too all passive - nothing I could contribute even if I had a strong opinion or useful information. This shift from traditional Journalism to a technology generated 'new wave of journalism' has changed the way news is delivered and dispersed forever. A silent but radical change has taken place - welcome to Journalism 2.0.
The technology I have been talking about is popularly referred to as 'Web 2.0', a widely used term which describes the 'new second version' of the World Wide Web. Web 2.0 is not a specific application or technology, but explains a noticeable shift within Information Technology to 'user-generated content'. It can be well described as a people-oriented technology movement where the user is the king. From microblogging site twitter and the group edited online reference source Wikipedia to the social networking site Facebook, and even the giant search engine Google, all demand active participation and social interaction. The users no longer can only 'retrieve' information but also contribute, modify and share information.
The Web 2.0 revolution has given traditional Journalism a massive shock. As more and more people are going 'online' to get news, the roots of traditional journalism are weakening. Major news channels such as CNN even have a special section for user generated content. Journalists have started tweeting, developing websites and writing blogs why not? Journalism 2.0 is the future and they need to keep in pace.
Article Source:
Free Teaching Resources on Any Topic You Want
Open your browser, type the key word, and wallop; you get your information and that too in hoards. Welcome to the new age of technology. Information rests at the click of a button. Sounds interesting and preposterous, but it is true. Free teaching resources are as real and it is sounding.
There was a section of internet users who complained in the era of web 1.0 that information available on the net were garbage. May be they were right but not anymore. Today, there are sites, and various organizations working feverishly, day and night to make the content of the net as valuable as possible. Be it the government organizations, or be it the private organizations, all are working towards creating net enabled free teaching resource materials to be accessed anywhere.
Various technologies were involved in making the availability of free teaching resources available.
Teaching resources may be classified as the reading material, the writing material, the knowledge sound bytes, the video, animation, or a combination of all these. There are many sites, which provide e books in various formats, such as PDF files, Djvu files, which makes online reading fun and exciting. It will make you feel as if you are reading the real book.
Similarly, there are a lot of audio libraries, such as Librivox, which convert real books into audio books. Similarly, various ambitious projects are being carried all over the world to create very large knowledge bases. The artificial library, Project Alexandria is one such project.
But, perhaps the most important work in free teaching resources is the free donation of teaching materials by reputed institutions and universities, such as Oxford, Harward, Stanford, MIT and our very own IITs.
MIT was the first institution to start the OCW project. The open course ware project is a project to place in the public domain a list of all the education that is being taught in the MIT. This is a very philanthropic effort, and a great example to follow.
Recently, Indian institutes of technology did the same. They recently launched the NPETL channel on you tube, and have uploaded more than 40000 hours of free teaching resource materials. The teaching materials are in the live class room lecture format which can be seen in easy to watch audio video format of one hour, more or even less.
These movements and works are changing the web like anything. Today, with the cheap and easy availability of net connectivity facilities, they have become an important source of information and communication. They have penetrated our lives to such an extent, that it feels strange, how we managed to live without it in the past.
With the emergence of cloud computing, the web is becoming even better and better. Distant learning would become so formidable, that it will rival the campus education.
Today free teaching resources have become a very important tool to impart education in the 3rd world countries. It saves them the cost of books, and costly libraries. The books can be downloaded, and pages photocopied as per the requirements. Thanks to the emergence of the net, the world is finally changing and that too for good.
Article Source:
There was a section of internet users who complained in the era of web 1.0 that information available on the net were garbage. May be they were right but not anymore. Today, there are sites, and various organizations working feverishly, day and night to make the content of the net as valuable as possible. Be it the government organizations, or be it the private organizations, all are working towards creating net enabled free teaching resource materials to be accessed anywhere.
Various technologies were involved in making the availability of free teaching resources available.
Teaching resources may be classified as the reading material, the writing material, the knowledge sound bytes, the video, animation, or a combination of all these. There are many sites, which provide e books in various formats, such as PDF files, Djvu files, which makes online reading fun and exciting. It will make you feel as if you are reading the real book.
Similarly, there are a lot of audio libraries, such as Librivox, which convert real books into audio books. Similarly, various ambitious projects are being carried all over the world to create very large knowledge bases. The artificial library, Project Alexandria is one such project.
But, perhaps the most important work in free teaching resources is the free donation of teaching materials by reputed institutions and universities, such as Oxford, Harward, Stanford, MIT and our very own IITs.
MIT was the first institution to start the OCW project. The open course ware project is a project to place in the public domain a list of all the education that is being taught in the MIT. This is a very philanthropic effort, and a great example to follow.
Recently, Indian institutes of technology did the same. They recently launched the NPETL channel on you tube, and have uploaded more than 40000 hours of free teaching resource materials. The teaching materials are in the live class room lecture format which can be seen in easy to watch audio video format of one hour, more or even less.
These movements and works are changing the web like anything. Today, with the cheap and easy availability of net connectivity facilities, they have become an important source of information and communication. They have penetrated our lives to such an extent, that it feels strange, how we managed to live without it in the past.
With the emergence of cloud computing, the web is becoming even better and better. Distant learning would become so formidable, that it will rival the campus education.
Today free teaching resources have become a very important tool to impart education in the 3rd world countries. It saves them the cost of books, and costly libraries. The books can be downloaded, and pages photocopied as per the requirements. Thanks to the emergence of the net, the world is finally changing and that too for good.
Article Source:
Get Up to Speed With the Latest in Modern Entertainment With Satellite TV
Back in the day, entertainment consisted of pushing tin cans with sticks or playing games with pebbles. Then along came radio and families huddled together at the hearth listening to live on air plays filled with murder and intrigue. After radio, we saw the golden age of TV. Replacing the piano and mantle of yore, the black and white television glowed in living rooms across America. It became the main source of entertainment and news for families in cities and small towns alike. Americans grew to love the characters that appeared on their TV screens night after night. Of course, back then there wasn't much to watch. Times were simpler.
Today, in this day and age, we've got a lot more going for us. Technologies have skyrocketed becoming more and more sophisticated. We now have color TV. Forget that, we have HD TV. We have satellite TV and the NHL Sunday Ticket. There are literally hundreds of channels broadcasting everything from Indian soap operas and Wim Wenders latest cryptic masterpieces to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie action epics. There's so much choice.
The question is, are you taking advantage of all that technology has to offer? Are you keeping up with the times? Or, are you still watching the old tube TV? If so, it's time to get sped up. This is the 21st century after all.
The first thing you'll need is a new TV. Get a flat screen HD TV. Today you have the option of a Plasma or LCD for less than a grand each. Of course, you'll want to do some homework before you drop by your local electronics outlet. The type of HD TV you do buy depends on what your needs are and how much you are willing to spend. The investment is worth it though. Watching Brad Pitt or say, Carmen Electra if that's more your style, in full HD glory is nothing compared to the view you'd get on regular TV.
Once you've picked the perfect set, you've got to get yourself a satellite TV subscription. With satellite, there's something to suit everyone's interests. Your kids will benefit from a huge variety of educational and multilingual programming, while your wife can spend the night watching a George Clooney marathon and you can watch all the sports you want. The NHL Sunday Ticket, for example, gives you access to up to 200 NHL games. There are also some pretty amazing bonus features.
After you've got the satellite situation sorted out, you've got to start thinking about the extras. For the perfect home theatre, the right sound equipment is essential. Try a Dolby Digital Surround Sound System-it's what they use at most movie theatres. Whatever you watch, it will seem like you're right in the thick of the action. Keep in mind that you can get great deals online.
Finally, you need an HD DVR. This device allows you to record your favorite programs in high definition. You can easily skip through the ads and you can program your DVR to record your favorite shows each week, without worrying about running out of tape.
Article Source:
Today, in this day and age, we've got a lot more going for us. Technologies have skyrocketed becoming more and more sophisticated. We now have color TV. Forget that, we have HD TV. We have satellite TV and the NHL Sunday Ticket. There are literally hundreds of channels broadcasting everything from Indian soap operas and Wim Wenders latest cryptic masterpieces to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie action epics. There's so much choice.
The question is, are you taking advantage of all that technology has to offer? Are you keeping up with the times? Or, are you still watching the old tube TV? If so, it's time to get sped up. This is the 21st century after all.
The first thing you'll need is a new TV. Get a flat screen HD TV. Today you have the option of a Plasma or LCD for less than a grand each. Of course, you'll want to do some homework before you drop by your local electronics outlet. The type of HD TV you do buy depends on what your needs are and how much you are willing to spend. The investment is worth it though. Watching Brad Pitt or say, Carmen Electra if that's more your style, in full HD glory is nothing compared to the view you'd get on regular TV.
Once you've picked the perfect set, you've got to get yourself a satellite TV subscription. With satellite, there's something to suit everyone's interests. Your kids will benefit from a huge variety of educational and multilingual programming, while your wife can spend the night watching a George Clooney marathon and you can watch all the sports you want. The NHL Sunday Ticket, for example, gives you access to up to 200 NHL games. There are also some pretty amazing bonus features.
After you've got the satellite situation sorted out, you've got to start thinking about the extras. For the perfect home theatre, the right sound equipment is essential. Try a Dolby Digital Surround Sound System-it's what they use at most movie theatres. Whatever you watch, it will seem like you're right in the thick of the action. Keep in mind that you can get great deals online.
Finally, you need an HD DVR. This device allows you to record your favorite programs in high definition. You can easily skip through the ads and you can program your DVR to record your favorite shows each week, without worrying about running out of tape.
Article Source:
Market Intelligence - An Introduction
What is Market intelligence?
First things first! Many organisations see market intelligence as a cost rather than an investment and hence the bitter fact that so much remains to be done on market intelligence when it comes to strategizing one's marketing & sales plan.
I strongly advocate continuous investment in MI, as this article will show, the value you get and benefits that accrue far outweigh your costs incurred. It also proves beyond doubt that MI is indeed an investment rather than cost.
I define MI as a systematic way of consistently gathering data, through various sources, on all factors that impact in some way or the other how you do business and then analysing this data into meaningful information which helps relevant personnel make effective strategies that increases profitable sales.
MI comprises of tracking your competitors-both direct and indirect, new entrants, new expectations/needs of customers, new trends/technology development, government legislation and changes, new emerging markets, suppliers business practices and nowadays technological development, especially analytic software.
And now coming to the important core of this article...
How does MI help?
Benefits of MI
How to obtain MI? etc.
1. Benchmark yourself:
When you gather MI data and convert it into meaningful data through analysis (I have repeated many times so as to emphasise - data... analysis... information) it gives a clearer picture of where your organisation stands with respect to others in your playing area. This usually spurs organisations on to sprint and try catching up with the leader. On the other hand it enables the leader to know the exact lead over others and try to increase it to safer distance.
Getting to know their strengths and weaknesses enables your organisation to learn from their strengths whilst exploiting their weaknesses.
Learn new ideas, methods or systems that others have successfully implemented and used to beat you up with. This also brings home the ideas, systems or methods that are unique to your organisation, yet enabling action plan to keep this USP's longer with you.
Become aware of new areas, applications and industry sectors where your products can be introduced.
Develop new suppliers or adopt new practices for better leveraging your purchasing activity.
Helps business planning and forecasting become more focussed and realistic.
2. Internal HR benefits:
My experience with most of my clients has been that data when effectively analysed in to meaningful information brings about a transformation in people. Especially marketing, sales and related back-office personnel, by reducing complacent attitude and increasing disciplined approach, better team-play, increased awareness of live and let live attitude, since try however you can you cannot wish the others out of your way. And last but not the least, makes everyone continuously strive to improve.
3. What data makes meaningful information?
Typically most organisations find answers of following questions very useful to have MI of substance.
a) Who are the other organisations directly competing for the same piece of pie? Surprisingly, due to lack of systematic and consistent MI efforts most organisations rely on field personnel discussions, hear-say, assumptions and what many experienced seniors proudly proclaim to be their "gut-feeling". Ask for a written document and few have them - obviously the successful ones!
b) Who are the other organisations indirectly competing for the same piece of pie?
This is something that I have yet to fathom - Why many organisations, leave aside tracking, do not even recognise the existence and therefore the importance of indirect competitors. An example here would bring home the point clearly...
In the late 80's most of the leading FMCG's were experiencing stagnation in their top-line growth and were tempted to declare reaching market saturation until an Indian CEO of a MNC had this flash of an idea - the mom-and-pop stores known as kirana shops in India which were considered part of their supply chain were actually their toughest competitors. This is true especially in interior, moffusil and rural areas. The daily wage earning folks were unable to buy the big companies standard pack-sizes and hence bought in "loose quantities" as per their requirement and that too some cheap local brand which the kirana sourced from and vouched for! That this led to the launch of satchets is a different story altogether! The lesson here is - look for organisations that do not sell similar products but sell something that can replace or meets the need that you claim your product meets. A client of mine selling specialised lubricants to metal forming industries has cooking oil competing!
c) Do your competitors have a package concept which meets multiple needs of your target customers against a specific product/application you sell?
You need to focus on a value based stand-alone specialist approach here and avoid the cost and package argument.
d) What are the features and benefits your competition offers which are absent or not matching up in your products.
e) What way their services are more effective or beneficial to customers compared to yours? Services here mean from the way your organisation answers telephone calls or receives visitors in office to office decor and environment to the way your employees dress, present and communicate to the relationship your sales personnel build (yes, relationship can only be built over a period of time) with influencers to product packing to informative product literature to delivery methods and time to post-sales support to helping out in their times of distress (personal or official). Got it? The whole gamut of service possibilities includes gifting and meeting subtle needs many a times.
f) The pricing policies, payment terms and delivery system.
Whilst benefit/value-based selling against price point objections is the standard advice all give, it is really tough to practice and win orders, especially in a price-conscious market like India. Add to these the flexibility of paying you and how you deliver - direct from your factory - which means more time and transportation costs or through local dealer or warehouse - just-in-time delivery and local transportation.
g) Who are your competitors' customers?
It is very important to track customers, especially the big accounts, of your competitors. This opens your eyes to new industry segments/applications, new geographical areas and of course the good old yet evergreen point - what is it that customers' perceive to be more beneficial when buying from your competitor rather than from you? What do their customers say about them?
h) What are their marketing and promotional strategies?
What is the important benefit, feature or point which makes customers buy from them? How are their brochures, manuals and other literature, not just in terms of content and graphics but also style, layout, paper quality and presentation? Do you have your competitors' literature - No! You are missing something. How do they advertise and where? Which are the exhibitions, seminars they participate or conduct? How many field sales personnel do they employ along with number of distributors/dealers/representatives? What kind of budgets do they have for these activities? How their website is and what kind of information/content have they put up? Have they listed their customers, important events, achievements or latest customers/order acquisition, the latest machine or capital good installed or new factory/branch opened or new distributor/dealer appointed? What do they say about themselves in public directories, yellow pages and industry-specific magazines - print as well as online? How do they project in advertisements - recruitment and others?
i) Who are their suppliers?
An important point many fail to recognise is the potential source of information that suppliers can be. Most organisations have tight norms in place for what they classify as critical or proprietary inputs but forget that even packing materials or may be the stationery or tea-vendor acquire important insights. Also, supplier information gives you an idea about the material costs, quality level and financial practices and strength of your competitors.
j) What is your competitors' financial muscle?
Have you got your competitor's final accounts for the last 3 years from the Registrar of Companies office or if it is publically listed then from their website or stock exchanges? Better still is to buy a few shares in your personal or family member's name. Compare important financial ratios with yours as also management discussion and analysis and other forward-looking statements made. Proprietary and partnership firms score over here.
What to do with all this data?
Compilation, sorting and storing for quick retrieval of data is very important.
Next is to tabulate similar information in to comparable form by way of tables, charts or reports.
Brain-storm and discuss with all relevant personnel to ensure a meaningful analysis covering all perspectives.
Make a list of these findings, observations and strategies.
Prepare an action plan that defines who does what, when, where, how and why.
Repeat this at least twice a year like a sacred ritual and see your business confidence, top and bottom-lines and customer base grow in line with your business plan and forecasts.
Before concluding, remember what you do as above are also being done, probably better, by your competition. Hence, put checks and balances in place and hope for the best, since like anti-virus software the best can only protect but may not be enough to save you when it really matters! Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you should be the guiding maxim to decide what is ethical and acceptable and what not to do.
Finally, a simple questionnaire is attached as a useful tool that should help anyone to do MI without missing out anything and of course systematically so as to simplify data... analysis... information.
Basic Questions for effective Market Intelligence
1. Who are our direct competitors?
2. What is their product range?
3. Which products from their range compete with ours?
4. Comparison between their and our product:
a. Features
b. Applications
c. Industry segment
d. Area
e. Literature
f. USP's
g. Price
h. Market position
i. Market share
j. Suppliers
5. Comparison between their website and ours:
a. Colour combination
b. Layout
c. Menu and Content
d. Product presentation style
e. Downloads offered
f. Search engine rank (Google, Yahoo, Bing)
g. Latest news, acquisition and customer list available
6. Financial comparison:
a. Sales turnover
b. Gross profit (figures & ratio to Sales)
c. Net profit ( ----------" -------------------)
d. Sales & Marketing expenses as a ratio to Sales
e. Employee costs as ratio of Sales
f. Expenses on IT as a ratio to Sales
g. R & D expenses as a ratio to Sales & details, if available
h. Product-wise, area-wise and segment-wise details, if available
i. Excise, VAT, Customs and Income tax paid (figures & ratio to Sales)
j. Management analysis & risk perception, future plans and achievements in Directors report
7. Marketing & Selling strategies:
a. Product brochure presentation & key features
b. User manual features
c. Trouble shooting guide
d. Maintenance & preventive spares details
e. Quotation presentation
f. Payment terms & delivery methods and costs
g. Warranty details
h. After sales support system
i. Customer relationship building initiatives and methods
j. Advertisement channels and frequency
k. Exhibitions & seminars participation
l. Magazines/journals/directories/yellow pages/industry directory advertised
m. Supply chain model - direct selling, distributors, dealers, C&F
n. Logistics model - method. cost and time for delivery
8. Have any of your customers stopped buying from you and gone to competition? If yes, why. Similarly, have you acquired any customer of your competitor? If yes, what were the pain points and trouble-some issues?
9. What do their top customers say about them?
10. What do they say about themselves- literature, website, advertisement and articles?
11. Who are your indirect competitors?
a. Common application or customers use
b. Features comparison
c. Price comparison
d. Value-benefit analysis
e. Type of customers buying
f. Market share or volume
12. What are the checks and balances in place you have to protect your organisation?
Article Source:
First things first! Many organisations see market intelligence as a cost rather than an investment and hence the bitter fact that so much remains to be done on market intelligence when it comes to strategizing one's marketing & sales plan.
I strongly advocate continuous investment in MI, as this article will show, the value you get and benefits that accrue far outweigh your costs incurred. It also proves beyond doubt that MI is indeed an investment rather than cost.
I define MI as a systematic way of consistently gathering data, through various sources, on all factors that impact in some way or the other how you do business and then analysing this data into meaningful information which helps relevant personnel make effective strategies that increases profitable sales.
MI comprises of tracking your competitors-both direct and indirect, new entrants, new expectations/needs of customers, new trends/technology development, government legislation and changes, new emerging markets, suppliers business practices and nowadays technological development, especially analytic software.
And now coming to the important core of this article...
How does MI help?
Benefits of MI
How to obtain MI? etc.
1. Benchmark yourself:
When you gather MI data and convert it into meaningful data through analysis (I have repeated many times so as to emphasise - data... analysis... information) it gives a clearer picture of where your organisation stands with respect to others in your playing area. This usually spurs organisations on to sprint and try catching up with the leader. On the other hand it enables the leader to know the exact lead over others and try to increase it to safer distance.
Getting to know their strengths and weaknesses enables your organisation to learn from their strengths whilst exploiting their weaknesses.
Learn new ideas, methods or systems that others have successfully implemented and used to beat you up with. This also brings home the ideas, systems or methods that are unique to your organisation, yet enabling action plan to keep this USP's longer with you.
Become aware of new areas, applications and industry sectors where your products can be introduced.
Develop new suppliers or adopt new practices for better leveraging your purchasing activity.
Helps business planning and forecasting become more focussed and realistic.
2. Internal HR benefits:
My experience with most of my clients has been that data when effectively analysed in to meaningful information brings about a transformation in people. Especially marketing, sales and related back-office personnel, by reducing complacent attitude and increasing disciplined approach, better team-play, increased awareness of live and let live attitude, since try however you can you cannot wish the others out of your way. And last but not the least, makes everyone continuously strive to improve.
3. What data makes meaningful information?
Typically most organisations find answers of following questions very useful to have MI of substance.
a) Who are the other organisations directly competing for the same piece of pie? Surprisingly, due to lack of systematic and consistent MI efforts most organisations rely on field personnel discussions, hear-say, assumptions and what many experienced seniors proudly proclaim to be their "gut-feeling". Ask for a written document and few have them - obviously the successful ones!
b) Who are the other organisations indirectly competing for the same piece of pie?
This is something that I have yet to fathom - Why many organisations, leave aside tracking, do not even recognise the existence and therefore the importance of indirect competitors. An example here would bring home the point clearly...
In the late 80's most of the leading FMCG's were experiencing stagnation in their top-line growth and were tempted to declare reaching market saturation until an Indian CEO of a MNC had this flash of an idea - the mom-and-pop stores known as kirana shops in India which were considered part of their supply chain were actually their toughest competitors. This is true especially in interior, moffusil and rural areas. The daily wage earning folks were unable to buy the big companies standard pack-sizes and hence bought in "loose quantities" as per their requirement and that too some cheap local brand which the kirana sourced from and vouched for! That this led to the launch of satchets is a different story altogether! The lesson here is - look for organisations that do not sell similar products but sell something that can replace or meets the need that you claim your product meets. A client of mine selling specialised lubricants to metal forming industries has cooking oil competing!
c) Do your competitors have a package concept which meets multiple needs of your target customers against a specific product/application you sell?
You need to focus on a value based stand-alone specialist approach here and avoid the cost and package argument.
d) What are the features and benefits your competition offers which are absent or not matching up in your products.
e) What way their services are more effective or beneficial to customers compared to yours? Services here mean from the way your organisation answers telephone calls or receives visitors in office to office decor and environment to the way your employees dress, present and communicate to the relationship your sales personnel build (yes, relationship can only be built over a period of time) with influencers to product packing to informative product literature to delivery methods and time to post-sales support to helping out in their times of distress (personal or official). Got it? The whole gamut of service possibilities includes gifting and meeting subtle needs many a times.
f) The pricing policies, payment terms and delivery system.
Whilst benefit/value-based selling against price point objections is the standard advice all give, it is really tough to practice and win orders, especially in a price-conscious market like India. Add to these the flexibility of paying you and how you deliver - direct from your factory - which means more time and transportation costs or through local dealer or warehouse - just-in-time delivery and local transportation.
g) Who are your competitors' customers?
It is very important to track customers, especially the big accounts, of your competitors. This opens your eyes to new industry segments/applications, new geographical areas and of course the good old yet evergreen point - what is it that customers' perceive to be more beneficial when buying from your competitor rather than from you? What do their customers say about them?
h) What are their marketing and promotional strategies?
What is the important benefit, feature or point which makes customers buy from them? How are their brochures, manuals and other literature, not just in terms of content and graphics but also style, layout, paper quality and presentation? Do you have your competitors' literature - No! You are missing something. How do they advertise and where? Which are the exhibitions, seminars they participate or conduct? How many field sales personnel do they employ along with number of distributors/dealers/representatives? What kind of budgets do they have for these activities? How their website is and what kind of information/content have they put up? Have they listed their customers, important events, achievements or latest customers/order acquisition, the latest machine or capital good installed or new factory/branch opened or new distributor/dealer appointed? What do they say about themselves in public directories, yellow pages and industry-specific magazines - print as well as online? How do they project in advertisements - recruitment and others?
i) Who are their suppliers?
An important point many fail to recognise is the potential source of information that suppliers can be. Most organisations have tight norms in place for what they classify as critical or proprietary inputs but forget that even packing materials or may be the stationery or tea-vendor acquire important insights. Also, supplier information gives you an idea about the material costs, quality level and financial practices and strength of your competitors.
j) What is your competitors' financial muscle?
Have you got your competitor's final accounts for the last 3 years from the Registrar of Companies office or if it is publically listed then from their website or stock exchanges? Better still is to buy a few shares in your personal or family member's name. Compare important financial ratios with yours as also management discussion and analysis and other forward-looking statements made. Proprietary and partnership firms score over here.
What to do with all this data?
Compilation, sorting and storing for quick retrieval of data is very important.
Next is to tabulate similar information in to comparable form by way of tables, charts or reports.
Brain-storm and discuss with all relevant personnel to ensure a meaningful analysis covering all perspectives.
Make a list of these findings, observations and strategies.
Prepare an action plan that defines who does what, when, where, how and why.
Repeat this at least twice a year like a sacred ritual and see your business confidence, top and bottom-lines and customer base grow in line with your business plan and forecasts.
Before concluding, remember what you do as above are also being done, probably better, by your competition. Hence, put checks and balances in place and hope for the best, since like anti-virus software the best can only protect but may not be enough to save you when it really matters! Do unto others what you would like others to do unto you should be the guiding maxim to decide what is ethical and acceptable and what not to do.
Finally, a simple questionnaire is attached as a useful tool that should help anyone to do MI without missing out anything and of course systematically so as to simplify data... analysis... information.
Basic Questions for effective Market Intelligence
1. Who are our direct competitors?
2. What is their product range?
3. Which products from their range compete with ours?
4. Comparison between their and our product:
a. Features
b. Applications
c. Industry segment
d. Area
e. Literature
f. USP's
g. Price
h. Market position
i. Market share
j. Suppliers
5. Comparison between their website and ours:
a. Colour combination
b. Layout
c. Menu and Content
d. Product presentation style
e. Downloads offered
f. Search engine rank (Google, Yahoo, Bing)
g. Latest news, acquisition and customer list available
6. Financial comparison:
a. Sales turnover
b. Gross profit (figures & ratio to Sales)
c. Net profit ( ----------" -------------------)
d. Sales & Marketing expenses as a ratio to Sales
e. Employee costs as ratio of Sales
f. Expenses on IT as a ratio to Sales
g. R & D expenses as a ratio to Sales & details, if available
h. Product-wise, area-wise and segment-wise details, if available
i. Excise, VAT, Customs and Income tax paid (figures & ratio to Sales)
j. Management analysis & risk perception, future plans and achievements in Directors report
7. Marketing & Selling strategies:
a. Product brochure presentation & key features
b. User manual features
c. Trouble shooting guide
d. Maintenance & preventive spares details
e. Quotation presentation
f. Payment terms & delivery methods and costs
g. Warranty details
h. After sales support system
i. Customer relationship building initiatives and methods
j. Advertisement channels and frequency
k. Exhibitions & seminars participation
l. Magazines/journals/directories/yellow pages/industry directory advertised
m. Supply chain model - direct selling, distributors, dealers, C&F
n. Logistics model - method. cost and time for delivery
8. Have any of your customers stopped buying from you and gone to competition? If yes, why. Similarly, have you acquired any customer of your competitor? If yes, what were the pain points and trouble-some issues?
9. What do their top customers say about them?
10. What do they say about themselves- literature, website, advertisement and articles?
11. Who are your indirect competitors?
a. Common application or customers use
b. Features comparison
c. Price comparison
d. Value-benefit analysis
e. Type of customers buying
f. Market share or volume
12. What are the checks and balances in place you have to protect your organisation?
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Are We Heroes?
What is mankind's fascination with the paranormal and mystical really about? Is it a reoccurring fantasy of role playing that we have indulged ourselves in for millennia, or is it something much deeper that beckons us?
Let us explore the realm of the real super hero in all of us. Let us explore the possibilities of perception that will peel back the very veils of reality. Does something sleeping within us wish to awake?
How many of us play online games like World of War craft or Dungeons and Dragons? We've all seen a host of these games over the years. Every one of them speaks of magic and abilities ranging from weather manipulation, mesmerizing our enemies, casting spells that confuse our opponents, to having special magical sight and powers!
Seeing mankind's innate desire to have more than just the ordinary perception of reality is as old as the Shamanic rituals of ancient times. From the peyote ceremonies of the Navajo Indians to the psychedelic movement of the 60's we can see a recurring pattern in mankind's quest to unveil a world more mystical.
What is this insatiable romance we have with the mystical? For eons man has wished to be inundated with mystical powers of the clairvoyant to the psychic, the psychokinetic to the prophetic.
However the reality of hokey psychic hotlines and parlor psychics are unfortunately something we see every day. But what if all of our curiosity and intrigue into the world of the paranormal and mystical, were really the subtle voice of something within us that mankind stopped using long ago?
The Sixth Sense. Every person has the ability to develop something within themselves that will literally change the way they see reality. Does it sound too incredible to be real? Twenty years ago remote viewing was a term only a few conspiracy theorists even knew.
Today the concept of remote viewing like in the movie Subject Zero, or the newest programs on psychics who find missing people are as common as a trip to the video store, or a Thursday evening on the Discovery Channel.
The truth of the matter is we are all fascinated by the possibility of becoming more than the ordinary selves we see each other as from day to day. All the more reason comic book characters typically have abilities that go far beyond the five senses.
The answer we seek is found by de shrouding the romantic from the practical. While not everyone is going to start of as a Nostradamus we all have had premonitions about things in our lives that were perhaps eerily accurate. We have all thought about someone only to have them call a few seconds later. We have even had dreams that have come true. Do these things wash themselves away during the bustle of our day to day life, or are they glimmers of something real?
Perhaps these common synchronicities are the first whispers of a dormant sensory? This sensory that in primitive times, when we didn't have the tools, technology, or brain power to navigate us through life, was the dominant survival mechanism. Lets us imagine that that unused mechanism is still there, in the recesses of our consciousness subtly using its voice and giving us the clues we need to bring it forth.
The bottom line is that man has always been fascinated by the mystical, magical and the paranormal! From movies like the Matrix to X men, to popular television series like Heroes we have always thirsted for the unknown and unbelievable. Is there a hero in all of us? Perhaps we are simply listening to a long silent inner voice that is clamoring for its return to a place in our conscious minds once again!
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Let us explore the realm of the real super hero in all of us. Let us explore the possibilities of perception that will peel back the very veils of reality. Does something sleeping within us wish to awake?
How many of us play online games like World of War craft or Dungeons and Dragons? We've all seen a host of these games over the years. Every one of them speaks of magic and abilities ranging from weather manipulation, mesmerizing our enemies, casting spells that confuse our opponents, to having special magical sight and powers!
Seeing mankind's innate desire to have more than just the ordinary perception of reality is as old as the Shamanic rituals of ancient times. From the peyote ceremonies of the Navajo Indians to the psychedelic movement of the 60's we can see a recurring pattern in mankind's quest to unveil a world more mystical.
What is this insatiable romance we have with the mystical? For eons man has wished to be inundated with mystical powers of the clairvoyant to the psychic, the psychokinetic to the prophetic.
However the reality of hokey psychic hotlines and parlor psychics are unfortunately something we see every day. But what if all of our curiosity and intrigue into the world of the paranormal and mystical, were really the subtle voice of something within us that mankind stopped using long ago?
The Sixth Sense. Every person has the ability to develop something within themselves that will literally change the way they see reality. Does it sound too incredible to be real? Twenty years ago remote viewing was a term only a few conspiracy theorists even knew.
Today the concept of remote viewing like in the movie Subject Zero, or the newest programs on psychics who find missing people are as common as a trip to the video store, or a Thursday evening on the Discovery Channel.
The truth of the matter is we are all fascinated by the possibility of becoming more than the ordinary selves we see each other as from day to day. All the more reason comic book characters typically have abilities that go far beyond the five senses.
The answer we seek is found by de shrouding the romantic from the practical. While not everyone is going to start of as a Nostradamus we all have had premonitions about things in our lives that were perhaps eerily accurate. We have all thought about someone only to have them call a few seconds later. We have even had dreams that have come true. Do these things wash themselves away during the bustle of our day to day life, or are they glimmers of something real?
Perhaps these common synchronicities are the first whispers of a dormant sensory? This sensory that in primitive times, when we didn't have the tools, technology, or brain power to navigate us through life, was the dominant survival mechanism. Lets us imagine that that unused mechanism is still there, in the recesses of our consciousness subtly using its voice and giving us the clues we need to bring it forth.
The bottom line is that man has always been fascinated by the mystical, magical and the paranormal! From movies like the Matrix to X men, to popular television series like Heroes we have always thirsted for the unknown and unbelievable. Is there a hero in all of us? Perhaps we are simply listening to a long silent inner voice that is clamoring for its return to a place in our conscious minds once again!
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Udaipur Lake Palace - One of the Most Beautiful Places in the World
Udaipur is a historic city and the capital of Rajasthan State, one famous for its lakes. The place was founded by Rana Udai Singh. It is also known for Rajput-era palaces. Many of the palaces are now converted into elegant hotels such as the beautiful Lake Palace.
Lake Palace rises with the waters of Pichola on Jag Niwas Island. It covers the whole 1.5 hectares like a castle in white marble. It was built way back in the 17th century having 4 acres of rock foundation. The palace was first called Jaginwas after Maharana Jagjit Singh founded it in 1973. He reigns from 1628 to 1654. He encouraged craftsmen of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan to copy the incomparable buildings at Agra. The rulers used this haven as their summer resort.
The highlights of the city are the ethnic themes that use textiles and handicrafts. It makes a pleasant hum like that of the rippling waves during some compelling moments. The courtyards have pillared terraces, gardens, fountains and lined columns. Its rooms are decorated with pink inland stones, green lotus leaves, cusped arches and painted mirrors
Lake Palace has 84 rooms with 17 suites and 53 deluxe rooms. It is beautifully designed a theme of textile and handicraft decorations. Standard rooms are elegantly appointed with centralized air conditioning, colored televisions, and channel music. It overlooks a lily pond from the terrace. Rooms facing the lake have perfect scenic views. The suites have living areas and a private balcony. However, historical suites are decorated with miniature paintings having beautifully crafted glass works.
Royal banquet rooms became their reception rooms, restaurants and bars. Apartments are enhanced in a romantic setting like the Bada Mahal, Aiian Niwas, Phool Mahal, Kush Mahal and Dhola Mahal.
Facilities and Services
The palace has its own coffee shop, jewelry and souvenir shops. The hotel also offers 24 hour room services, laundry services and international direct dial facilities.
Other facilities include a conference hall, a swimming pool, bar, mini gym, currency exchange, car rental and a shopping arcade. Guests can ask for help via the hotel's travel desk, baby sitting services and doctors on call. Their online room reservation facility helps visitors travel with ease.
Many events are organized here and around the bar as well as in the entire region of Udaipur. Lily pond and Baragae Gangaur are the favorite places for events and gatherings. Entertainment shows are available such as Rajasthani Folk Dance and Music Show and the puppet show for children.
Many business travelers get to see the majestic beauty of Lake Palace and experience their fully equipped 24 hour business center. It has 8 meeting rooms all with internet connectivity, work stations, laptops, multimedia computers and sprint mail. There are also portable printers, 24 hour copier and a facsimile. Secretarial services and interpretation or translation facilities are also available.
Their meeting rooms and 12 banquet rooms can accommodate 25 to 500 persons in an auditorium style setting. Their state-of-the-art conference facilities can handle 18 to 2,000 persons, for cocktails and receptions.
Restaurants and Bar
The palace has a 24 hour coffee shop named Jharokha which faces the lake and the city palace. Amrit Sagar bar is well decorated with complex glass mosaics on its walls and ceilings. Restaurants like the Neel Kamal offer Indian and Continental cuisine as well as mouthwatering varieties. It faces the lily pond as it befits royalty.
Lake Palace is accessible by an airplane directly to Udaipur from Mumbai. Udaipur can be accessed by road or by train from New Delhi. It is 26 kms away from the airport, 3 kms from the bus stand and 3 kms from the railway station.
Every visitor of this luxurious hotel was amazed by their royalty treatment and services. It is truly a remarkable palace with great historical importance that contributes Udaipur being the 7th best city in the world.
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Lake Palace rises with the waters of Pichola on Jag Niwas Island. It covers the whole 1.5 hectares like a castle in white marble. It was built way back in the 17th century having 4 acres of rock foundation. The palace was first called Jaginwas after Maharana Jagjit Singh founded it in 1973. He reigns from 1628 to 1654. He encouraged craftsmen of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan to copy the incomparable buildings at Agra. The rulers used this haven as their summer resort.
The highlights of the city are the ethnic themes that use textiles and handicrafts. It makes a pleasant hum like that of the rippling waves during some compelling moments. The courtyards have pillared terraces, gardens, fountains and lined columns. Its rooms are decorated with pink inland stones, green lotus leaves, cusped arches and painted mirrors
Lake Palace has 84 rooms with 17 suites and 53 deluxe rooms. It is beautifully designed a theme of textile and handicraft decorations. Standard rooms are elegantly appointed with centralized air conditioning, colored televisions, and channel music. It overlooks a lily pond from the terrace. Rooms facing the lake have perfect scenic views. The suites have living areas and a private balcony. However, historical suites are decorated with miniature paintings having beautifully crafted glass works.
Royal banquet rooms became their reception rooms, restaurants and bars. Apartments are enhanced in a romantic setting like the Bada Mahal, Aiian Niwas, Phool Mahal, Kush Mahal and Dhola Mahal.
Facilities and Services
The palace has its own coffee shop, jewelry and souvenir shops. The hotel also offers 24 hour room services, laundry services and international direct dial facilities.
Other facilities include a conference hall, a swimming pool, bar, mini gym, currency exchange, car rental and a shopping arcade. Guests can ask for help via the hotel's travel desk, baby sitting services and doctors on call. Their online room reservation facility helps visitors travel with ease.
Many events are organized here and around the bar as well as in the entire region of Udaipur. Lily pond and Baragae Gangaur are the favorite places for events and gatherings. Entertainment shows are available such as Rajasthani Folk Dance and Music Show and the puppet show for children.
Many business travelers get to see the majestic beauty of Lake Palace and experience their fully equipped 24 hour business center. It has 8 meeting rooms all with internet connectivity, work stations, laptops, multimedia computers and sprint mail. There are also portable printers, 24 hour copier and a facsimile. Secretarial services and interpretation or translation facilities are also available.
Their meeting rooms and 12 banquet rooms can accommodate 25 to 500 persons in an auditorium style setting. Their state-of-the-art conference facilities can handle 18 to 2,000 persons, for cocktails and receptions.
Restaurants and Bar
The palace has a 24 hour coffee shop named Jharokha which faces the lake and the city palace. Amrit Sagar bar is well decorated with complex glass mosaics on its walls and ceilings. Restaurants like the Neel Kamal offer Indian and Continental cuisine as well as mouthwatering varieties. It faces the lily pond as it befits royalty.
Lake Palace is accessible by an airplane directly to Udaipur from Mumbai. Udaipur can be accessed by road or by train from New Delhi. It is 26 kms away from the airport, 3 kms from the bus stand and 3 kms from the railway station.
Every visitor of this luxurious hotel was amazed by their royalty treatment and services. It is truly a remarkable palace with great historical importance that contributes Udaipur being the 7th best city in the world.
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How I Pick My Stocks For Day Trading - Part 1
Day trading is buying a stock and selling it the same day before the markets close for the day. This is one way of trading in order to save on commissions and fees as well as to ensure some level of safety. I will disclose how I pick stocks for day trading and make a profit at the end of each week.
To begin with I down load the copy of the entire days stocks that have been traded on the Bombay Stock Exchange - as I live and trade in India. This is called the 'Bhav Copy' and is available for free online the Bombay stock exchange web site home page after 6:30 pm every working day. Other stock exchanges in the world have the same system anda little research will reveal where they hide the record.
I use two methods to trade a stock during the day. First of all I keep my ears peeled for breaking positive news on a stock. This I get through the television channels if and when the news emerges I immediately prepare to go into action. I wait after the news has broken and watch the stock movement. Should there be any spikes in price of volume I buy and wait. When I am satisfied of the profits I have made I exit and never give the trade another though even if it shoots through the roof.
The second way is to do a bit of research the previous few days and pick out the stocks with the most liquidity i.e. the stocks that are traded most on the exchange. Sorting out this list I then pick the stock which ahs a price I am comfortable with. I usually pick the stock between 20 to 30 Indian Rupees. This is called trading on volume.
The stocks that have the most volume offer the most liquidity. This means that it is comparatively easier to buy and sell such a stock as it would be to sell a stock with low liquidity. I also pick a stock that has a lot of swing. This means that the stock has a price movement that is very wide and offers a lot of volatility and good profits can be made by trading such stock.
I will explain how I do my research in part 2 of this article.
Dexter Figg is a fulltime professional freelance writer and is based in India. He and his wife (Post-graduates in English Literature) work from their home-office setup from 9 to 5 India time, Monday to Friday. Being in the business of writing for the past 6 years and with over 15 years of work experience behind them, they have written on various topics for the web and print media. They have together created over 24,000 SEO articles, e-books, features, guides besides fresh website content for many sites across the world.
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To begin with I down load the copy of the entire days stocks that have been traded on the Bombay Stock Exchange - as I live and trade in India. This is called the 'Bhav Copy' and is available for free online the Bombay stock exchange web site home page after 6:30 pm every working day. Other stock exchanges in the world have the same system anda little research will reveal where they hide the record.
I use two methods to trade a stock during the day. First of all I keep my ears peeled for breaking positive news on a stock. This I get through the television channels if and when the news emerges I immediately prepare to go into action. I wait after the news has broken and watch the stock movement. Should there be any spikes in price of volume I buy and wait. When I am satisfied of the profits I have made I exit and never give the trade another though even if it shoots through the roof.
The second way is to do a bit of research the previous few days and pick out the stocks with the most liquidity i.e. the stocks that are traded most on the exchange. Sorting out this list I then pick the stock which ahs a price I am comfortable with. I usually pick the stock between 20 to 30 Indian Rupees. This is called trading on volume.
The stocks that have the most volume offer the most liquidity. This means that it is comparatively easier to buy and sell such a stock as it would be to sell a stock with low liquidity. I also pick a stock that has a lot of swing. This means that the stock has a price movement that is very wide and offers a lot of volatility and good profits can be made by trading such stock.
I will explain how I do my research in part 2 of this article.
Dexter Figg is a fulltime professional freelance writer and is based in India. He and his wife (Post-graduates in English Literature) work from their home-office setup from 9 to 5 India time, Monday to Friday. Being in the business of writing for the past 6 years and with over 15 years of work experience behind them, they have written on various topics for the web and print media. They have together created over 24,000 SEO articles, e-books, features, guides besides fresh website content for many sites across the world.
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